Steemalive presents: Right 2Write- a 5 day writing challenge. Stay healthy by taking more fruits: Contest prize: 40 steem (plus NGN 2,500 cash) by @ijebest.

in SteemAlive2 years ago

Stay healthy by eating more fruits

Mixed fruits, pawpaw, Avocado, oranges, cherry fruit.

Wow!!, This is awesome, fruits, fruits, eating fruits. Get fruits eat them and enjoy the perfect benefits. I enjoy very much of fruits. In shot, I'm a fan of fruits!, Let's go and find out types of fruits and what they do to the eaters, you are welcome to my blog.

I want to talk about 5 different types of fruits

  • Pawpaw. ( Mgbi mgbi
  • Oranges. ( Ujiri, Oroma)
  • Avocado pear. ( Ube bekee)
  • Cherry fruits. ( Igbo apple)
  • Star apple (Udara, Agbalumo )

Pawpaw fruit. "Mgbi mgbi"

Pawpaw is a delicious fruit that grows in the tropical rain forest zones of the world. There are so many species of pawpaw fruit, but the taste of pawpaw is generally the same, though the shapes may vary from region to region.

Pawpaw tree. "Mgbi mgbi"

Origin of pawpaw tree botanically known as ( carica papaya)

Pawpaw generally originated from the eastern U.S. Specifically from the American Indians who migrated from India originally the Indian natives, who had migrated from their native land India and began spreading the pawpaw seed all across the eastern U.S, up to as far as the eastern Kansas, Texas, Great Lakes and up to the Gulf land areas. As we know already, pawpaw is a tropical fruit that grows all over the world. By the spread of this delicious fruit, the seed got so fast to as far as Australia and Australians enjoy this delicious fruit too, that's to say pawpaw has been and is still enjoyed all around the world till as we are talking.

What is the local name of pawpaw?

Pawpaw is an English and a general name that pawpaw is known for. It's local name is
"mgbi mgbi" in my local dialect Ohafia, we call pawpaw, mgbi mgbi.

What season does it appear in your area?

This is the real season for pawpaw. I mean the dry season of the year. Pawpaw fruits need the sunshine to ripe. During rainy season, pawpaw fruits remain very greenish but once the sun light takes over, you see them getting ripped, as you can see ripped pawpaw fruits from it's trees to the fruit shops and all over our markets and supermarkets now.

What are the health benefits of pawpaw?

Pawpaw is delicious, but so many researches has proven that the health benefits of pawpaw is more important and greater than the fruit itself. That's to say pawpaw is very healthy to be eaten by everyone of us in our families.
The benefits found in pawpaw are:
Vitamins and minerals which are present in a very large quantities in pawpaw fruit.

  • Dietary fiber
  • Folates
    *Vitamins A, C, and E.
  • Calcium
  • Iron, Riboflavin, Thiamine and Niacin are all very much available in the fruit called pawpaw.

Pawpaw, oranges, cherry fruit, Avocado all together here.

Have you seen why it's very important to eat pawpaw regularly for your health maintenance.
Pawpaw is also an antioxidant, flavonoids, carotenoids, the most beautiful thing about pawpaw is that it's very low in calories and also in sodium. Very important fruit to always be in your daily family menu to keep everyone healthy in your family, please subscribe to it.

Anti-inflammatory properties of pawpaw

There are natural properties in pawpaw fruit to fight the appearance of rheumatoid arthritis. Which also aids in recovery from some injuries, it could also be an ordinary everyday fever or some serious illnesses. Eating it makes you recover faster than usual.

Pawpaw as an antioxidant, it eradicates some free radicals that are prone to cancer, heart diseases, and many others. Researches has shown that there are lots of reasons why a balanced diet daily should include pawpaw fruits.

Pawpaw serves as medicine

Pawpaw is used to treat burns by squeezing and applying the squeezed leave to a burnt area of the body and get faster healing.
Pawpaw cures eczema from the skin.
Pawpaw leaves boiled together with ginger and garlic cures gastric diseases of all kinds.
Pawpaw fruits helps to a very large extent for evacuation from the body, digestion.

Pawpaw uses by cosmetologists

Pawpaw as we know is used by cosmetologists to prepare both bathing soaps and body creams, there are many of such in our markets today.

Pawpaw uses to pharmacists

Pawpaw fruit dissection with numerous seeds.

Pawpaw is very medicinal, pharmacists use pawpaw both ripped and unripened pawpaw to prepare many medicines people use every day to recover from illnesses.
A handful of pawpaw seeds chewed and swallowed evacuates so much worms from your intestine. Pawpaw fruit has an all round benefits
Unripened pawpaw when blended, robbed on affected area, clears eczema and pimples.

Where do you buy it from and how much?

Pawpaw can be bought in the markets supermarket, fruit shops all around the cities and rural areas, as you wish.
The prices varies depending on the size. One big pawpaw can be sold at Naira 300 or below.

Orange tree

Orange tree with some orange fruits.

Oranges are known for their benefits to human health. It's a regular source of vitamin C, that is needed for our body to function well and balance well. When they're enough vitamins and minerals, the human body will majorly escape from so many sicknesses and diseases ravaging the human race today in the world. That will warrant fulfilment of life span otherwise called life expectancy. It's very important we add oranges to our daily menu to stay healthy and balanced. In some cases, some people are asked to eat less food but more fruits including the orange fruits.
Some peeled orange fruits.

What is the local name of orange

Orange in my local dialect is called "ujiri, Oroma".
It's a very well known fruit that can be commonly seen and bought. The prices of some balls of oranges can be 4 balls for naira 100, Nigerian money. You can even allow someone to pluck as many as possible from your own orange tree. Fruit sellers sale them every day and everywhere.

What season does it appear in your area

Oranges appear mostly by October month of the year till the coming Year's month of May, it will gradually become scarce in the markets and fruit shops. At that time 2 balls of orange can be sold at naira 100, instead of the usual 4balls.

what are the health benefits of orange

  • Oranges are known to have vitamin C.
  • Orange is a citrus fruit like lemon, apples, cherries and so on.
  • Oranges have coverage effects on our cells.
  • Orange juice helps to heal wounds faster, because of the vitamin C available in it..
  • Orange fruit is an immune booster.
  • Oranges helps to maintain our different collagens, that's black or fair colours of our skin.

Where do you buy it from and how much

Oranges are bought in the markets, supermarket, fruit shops and even at the orange tree stand if you so wish, oranges are everywhere. How much?.... Oranges in the markets now is costly, it's not the season properly. It sales now 5 balls at Naira 200.
Actually, every of our daily meals requires us sucking some oranges to make it a balanced diet and make us healthy.

Avocado pear

Unripened avocado pear. " Ube bekee"

Avocado originally came from Mexico, from there spread all over the world through the Mexican travellers, it's as the same as pawpaw.
Avocado has many species, some are oval in shapes, oblong, round and so many other looks of this health saving fruit.
Ripped avocado pear. "Ube bekee"

What is the local name of Avocado pear

The local name of Avocado pear is "Ube bekee"
It's known and eaten locally and otherwise by everyone, unless someone is disputing it, but I have never seen who does not like avocado, ube bekee. It's good to eat with rice and stew.

What season does it appear?

Avocado pear, Ube bekee appear yearly from the months of match till ending of August. That's how long we enjoy this lovely fruit yearly.

What is the health benefits of Avocado pear

The health benefits are very enormous, that anyone that wants to stay healthy can not avoid eating Avocado pear, Ube bekee.

  • It supplies vitamin C to our body.
    *It adds vitamins, E, K, B6, Folate, Niacin, magnesium, beta carotene, omega 3, potassium, lutein, pantothenic acid and so many others, time will fall me to mention all. Avocado pear is highly beneficial to our health. The omega 3 in avocado pear serves as a protective agent to the wellbeing of our hearts.

Where do you buy Avocado pear from?

Avocado pear can be sold and bought at our daily open markets both locally and in the urban areas. You can as well buy it from the supermarkets, fruit sellers shops or at the actual tree when they are plucking it out, it's like every where.... How much? Now in the markets avocado pear sales for 4 balls Naira 200.
I think it's cheaper now but when its scarce it will be sold at 1 ball for Naira 100 or 150 per one ball.

Cherry fruit "Igbo Apple"

Cherry fruit, otherwise known as "Igbo Apple".

Cherry is a beautiful citrus fruit like oranges, mangoes, English apple, guava and lemon to mention but a few. It is sweetened fruit good for our health and should be eaten everyday before meals or after meals. Can't you see, it looks so much like the foreign apples we see in the markets, and supermarkets. Only that it's smaller in sizes. So Igbo's has their own apples.

Cherry fruit, locally called, "Igbo apple."

Star Apple, "Udara, Agbalumo"

Star Apple tree with fruits.

Star apple (Udara by Igbos, Agbalumo by Yerubas) is also called chrysophyllum camito botanically. It's like an every day fruit. During the season it's found everywhere and very cheap to buy. Some are sweet while some has sour taste.
The best is the type known as "nwanu" when ever you see this type it's always sweet.

What season does it appear in your area

Star apple, Udara comes out yearly by the months of October to the month of April the coming year. At this very time, it's all over the place. Markets, supermarkets, and fruit shops.

What is the health benefits of Star apple

It's a very large source of nutrients like vitamins and minerals even calcium is found in star apple. Majorly vitamins A and C are in large quantities in star apple fruits.

Healing Benefits of Star Apple Include

Treatment of teeth pain at the jaw bone.
It's eaten most times for a better digestion.
Star Apple is another fiber provider to our bodies.
Eating it can prevent iron deficiency.

Where do you buy Star Apple from and how much?

This precious fruit can be sold and bought from the open markets, supermarkets, fruit sellers shops during the season. How much.... Ten pieces can be sold at Naira 100, they are very cheap and affordable to anyone in the rural and urban areas. During the season out side the season, it's very costly. 2 balls can be sold at Naira 100, when its out of season.


All the 5 different types of fruits I took time to write about here are very important for the balancing of human health any day, any time. We should try to add them to our family menu.
It's said " Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food" That is to say, that food and medicine are interwoven if we make right choices on daily bases on what types of fruits we choose and eat. Remember, eating fruits daily makes you and your family very healthy and it's an escape route from sicknesses

I set 10% to steemalive.

Thanks everyone for taking time out to come around my post.

Best regards,

 2 years ago 

You are an encyclopedia woman @ijebest, your post took me back to school, thank you for sharing this quality and informative post with us

Number of words2,080
 2 years ago 

Wow!!, Wow! my mama thank you so much,
Thanks 😊😊, for the encouragement.


Your post made it to our top 5 selection for today, Congratulations! Could you please support at least one other nominee by commenting meaningfully on their post? Thank you in advance for doing that. You can see the other 4 selected posts in the link below:

 2 years ago 

@steemalive, Thanks very much I appreciate you and I have commented meaningfully well on all of them. Thanks for choosing my post .

 2 years ago 

Hello @ijebest
You have written well about fruits and there benefits
Keep on creating original and quality content

 2 years ago 

Thanks very much my good brother, we will keep steeming.

 2 years ago 

You really make out time to write this post. Well detailed. I love all the fruits you mentioned here. Just that I wanted to take that peeled pawpaw and the riped ube beke but could not. Please send some for me na.

 2 years ago 

No wahala my baby girl, I will soon waybill them to you in Akwa ibom. Take care.

Wow! What a great and well detailed post. Fruits are very much essential to human health. I just finished talking about eating fruits this morning with my friend before seeing this post.

To stay healthy, I must consider your advice. Thanks for sharing @ijebest

 2 years ago 

@nsikakedem thanks for coming across my past, fruit are very beneficial to the body, eat them.

This kind of mixed fruit de good for my body ooo, can i have some. Indeed fruits makes one healthier and fresh.

 2 years ago 

Yes you can have some, I will quickly waybill some to you, thanks.

Thank you so much for taking time to explain the reason why we should be taking mix fruits and it's very very important to eat fruit at least once in a day.

 2 years ago 

Yes fruits are very important to our lives, thanks.

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