"7 Days Writing Challenge" Day 7 : The Stranger I Will Not Forget

in SteemAlive3 years ago

Good evening Steemians!

Hope we're all good and safe as for me I'm good and safe to continue steeming. Thank you @steemalive for initiating this contest. Today being the last day I want to write about the stranger I will not forget.


Who is a stranger?

A stranger is someone you never know,meet,or heard about before. And some strangers are nice,some are bad and some are helpful.

I met a stranger I can't forget in a hurry in the month of December 2010. On that faithful day I wanted to travel from school to my hometown to visit my parents, my friends were telling me not to go and my Mum was calling me come at a point I didn't know what to do again.


My mind was telling me you don't have any money with you so I decided to leave,when I get to the road about entering the bus I saw one aged woman that wanted to cross the road but could not so she asked me please my daughter help me and I did that she thank and blessed me but before I came back the bus left me and it was late by this time I wanted to go back to the hostel the woman said no she stopped me and told me to wait that I will see another bus. Another bus came immediately and I entered when I turned to check on the woman to thank her I did not see her again, I asked people they said they didn't see any old woman that was standing there.

On our way, the first bus that left me had accident some people died,some were seriously injured, and I thank God that the woman stopped me from entering the bus.

When I came back to the hostel my friends told me that armrobbers attacked them that same night I traveled I now remember that I wanted to returned back when I didn't see another bus to enter but the old woman stopped me.

So God serves me from accident and from armrobbers through this stranger and that is the reason I can't forget her.

Thanks for reading.


 3 years ago 

What a strange feelings that you encountered such unexpected blessing from unfamiliar face and that is how God works, in a miraculous way that we can not comprehend.

That is it mydear, God's way of doing things are so wonderful. Thanks @benson6

This is absolutely a testimony and a miracle for you.

Of you had refused helping that old woman,,, who knows what would have been the story.

That's true @ninapenda that's why it's good to render help to everyone that is in need of.

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