Fruit Of The Season Check Out The Health Benefits Of This Fruits By @goodybest

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

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I trust everyone is hearty and healthy! As for me I'm great and it's my delight to join in our Communities latest educative "Flruit Of The Season" contest. Please permit me to seize this opportunity to thank this wonderful community for organizing an educational Contest like this which will help us to learn about the nutritional value and health benefits of different fruits.
I love eating fruits and I will love to write about some of my favourite




Garden egg

Nutritional value of garden egg includes:
Garden egg are edible fruits! Rich in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, Potassium, magnesium, Magnese, folate, niacin and many other nutrients.


Health Benefits Of Garden Egg:
It is rich in antioxidants, it has nasunin, Anthocyanin and flavonoids properties, These powerful vital nutrients and antioxidants in it help to protect her body system and protect us against any free radicals. Vitamins B in it promote good well-being, the minerals such as Magnese and folate Promotes healthy bones. It helps indigestion, it's good for pregnant women to prevent anaemia and diabetes, it maintain blood pressure and prevent heart diseases. I take advantage of the season to tap from the health benefits of this amazing fruit now.




Scientifically Cucumber is a fruit rich in cucurbitacins and cucume gas tigmane, these have potent antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. They are low in calories carbohydrate and fat. This makes cucumber a viable option for any diet. It's a crunchy snack. Cucumber contains antioxidants which prevent the accumulation of harmful free radicals, it reduces the risk of chronic disease, it promote hydration too, this is because it compose of 96% water which may help one to remain hydrated.


Cucumber aid weight lose, lower blood sugar promote regularity because it contains rich amount of fibre and water. Cucumber is nutritious and incredible! You can add it to any diet, it contains important minerals and vitamin, eating it leads to potential numerous benefits.



There's a saying that "an apple a day keeps one away from the Doctor"


Nutritional value:

Sodium, potassium, carbohydrate, dietary fiber, sugar protein fat Vitamin C and Magnesium.

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Apples do not only taste great but it comes with millions of health benefits it improve guts, reduce the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. it might lowers bad cholesterol and triglycerides level, apple fruit support a healthy immune system. They're diabetes friendly fruit. Apple's helps prevent memory loss because of the flavonoid property in it.



Nutritional value of coconut:
Sodium carbohydrate potassium dietary fibre Broughton sugar saturated fats vitamin C iron vitamin B6 magnesium and calcium.


Coconut is highly nutritious overload with various health benefits; it benefits the heart health, promotes blood sugar control. it contains powerful antioxidants the phenolic compounds that protected cell from oxidative damage it has a wide range of health benefits but not if you are trying to lose weight watch your portion of taking it because coconut are very high fat and calories.



Calories, Sodium, Potassium, carbohydrate, dietary fiber, Sugar, protein Vitamin C, Iron, Vitamin B6 and magnesium.


Banana 🍌 is among the most important fruits we should take, as it's a source of fiber, potassium and phytonutrients. It contains compound like Dopamine and catechin - this reduces the risk of heart disease. Support the growth of good guts bacteria.
So start including bananas in your daily diet, consume it regularly as a part of healthy life styles. Banana taste delicious and a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth, you will definitely like banana. It improves kidney and a good food for exercise.



Nutritional value of Water melon

Sodium, carbohydrate, potassium, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C Iron Vitamin B6 and Magnesium.


Health benefits of Water melon 🍈:
  • It helps one to stay hydrated because it contains 90% of water.
  • it contains antioxidants that helps in removing modules known as reactive species from the body.
  • it prevent Asthma
  • it lowers high blood pressure
  • the lycopene in it help protect against heart disease
  • it helps prevent cancer by fighting free radicals
  • it helps in bowel movement.
  • it slows down dementia etc.



Nutritional value of oranges:
Vitamin C, Calcium, Dietary Fiber, carbohydrate, potassium, protein, magnesium and Vitamin B6.


Health Benefits Of Oranges:
Oranges are good source of Vitamin C, Fibre Thiamine, antioxidants and folate. Oranges have multiple health benefits.
  • it contains carotenoids, beta cryptoxanthin and lycopene, all this properties helps in fighting all kinds of disease in the body system.
  • it improves the heart health,
  • it prevent kidney stone
  • anemia prevention

You can simply put this bright citrus in the best addition to a healthy diet.




Nutritional value of Bush pear:
Protein, lipids, Vitamin C, Sodium, Iron, fat, Calories, Phosphorus, Zinc Mangnese, dietary fiber, carbohydrate and Ash.


Health benefits of Bush pear:
Bush pear is stacked with lots of health benefits:
  • it is rich in antioxidants
  • it plays an essential role in anti-sickle cell and anti-microbial disease.
  • it boost immunity and helps it to resist diseases and maintain a healthy immunity.
  • it helps in protein synthesis
  • it promote good skin health
  • it reduces constipation and high blood pressure
  • it prevents cancers
  • it promote a healthy bones
  • It's good for pregnancy
  • it's a good supplement for diabetics patient
  • it slows down the risk of mascular degeneration in aged people.


Fruit are excellent source of important minerals and vitamins, they are high in fibre it provides us with a large range of health benefits. it boost our immunity help in fighting diseases because of its antioxidant properties and vitamin C. Eating fruits frequently will lower our risk of serious sickness is like the heart and kidney disease, cancer, diabetes and inflammation. Thank you for reading through! I hope you like my fruits!





Bananas and water melon are my best of the Fruits. To be precised, I prefer bananas more. The only Challenge is that it is now very expensive. To get a good sizeable bunch of bananas will cost as much as 3.5 Steem.

Thank you for this your review @goodspeed

All your favorite have multiple health benefits, thanks to our creator who made millions varieties of fruits, if you doesn't like this, you will definitely love the other. I really appreciate your nice comment. Thanks!

 3 years ago 

All your fruits are making me to have 'longer throat' I know you will give me some of these garden egg any day I pay you visit because it's like they grow well well in your area. Thanks for sharing @goodybest

Yes the fruit grows well in my area and this is its season, u know what I can't even wait for your visit, infact your welcome in advance. Thank you for visiting my blog I really appreciate 💕

 3 years ago 

Wow, you really did a great work here dear in reaching out to all these fruits and reviewing them, I really learnt a lot about all these fruits, I don't even know the one to start from but I must say you really did a great research and thanks fir sharing, good luck dear.

OMG! Thank you so much my love I'm encouraged by your sincere commendations, I'm I'm glad you liked my write up. Yes you know I'm taking after you o.

 3 years ago 

it plays an essential role in anti-sickle cell and anti-microbial disease. -

This is very informative. I didn't know it plays a role on anti-sickle cells. That's a good health benefit. I'll eat it more often.
Nice write up and markdown styles.
Thanks for sharing

Oh dear I'm glad you find my information useful, thanks for your sincere commendations, I really appreciate you 💕

 3 years ago 

Your welcome dear. We steem on.

Sure Steem to the moon 🌝

I love eating banana, but I never took time to look at the nutritional benefits, thank u for highlighting it, I will eat it more often

Yeah baby, bananas have numerous Health benefits let's try and tap from it. Thank you for visiting my blog I really appreciate 💕

Thank you for sharing with us the benefits of the aforementioned fruits. I will have a taste of all of them.

You're welcome dear @iddy I really appreciate your nice comment let's make eating fruits a way of life it will definitely keep us from disease!

 3 years ago 

Hi @goodybest,

You have made a decent entry for the contest.I loved the fact that you analysed as much as 8 fruits.

All of them are beneficial to our health.Thank you for educating us.


I really appreciate your nice comment @samuel20, Thank you so much 😚 for curating my post.


We have supported this post. Keep on making great content in our community. Always check @steemalive for community updates. Thank you being an active member.

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