How can I help my child gain confidence?
All parents want to help their children feel stronger and more confident as they grow older. And self-confidence plays a big role in that. So how can a parent help his or her child build confidence?
~We reward them and praise them when they should~
It is very normal to want to praise our children for the slightest thing - in our eyes, what they do is unbelievable. But it is wrong to "drown" the child in praise, as this will have the opposite effect of building strong self-confidence. It will make him expect a corresponding response in his life, creating problems in his interpersonal relationships, but also in how he will see himself faced with the difficulties of life.
~We do not push them~
Also, it is natural to rejoice when our child succeeds, but it is not possible to succeed in everything. Do not force your child to excel in all subjects or engage in more activities than he or she wants or can handle. This will make him anxious that he is being pushed from everywhere, and may affect his later life.
~What do we do with the reviews for the show? ~
It is unreasonable to stop commenting on your child's appearance altogether, as this will stress them out. After all, we all look in the mirror and have opinions about what we see, even children. Therefore, instead of ignoring the appearance, as well as instead of "bathing" your child with compliments about how beautiful he is, tell him that his clothes are very good or that some color matches his eyes.This will help your child understand that appearance is something that depends on many things - and it will be a very fun journey to see your child slowly acquire his own, personal sense of style.
~Remind your child that the internet is not the reality ~
Most children have access to the internet from a very young age and are confronted with images that can change the way they see the world. Instead of criticizing the culture your child consumes, ask questions and comment on what you find positive. At the same time, you may be on the lookout for potentially problematic content that may need your (cool) attention.
Thanks for read!
Help kids!