THE DIARY GAME | Co-presented Crypto Academy Workshop at SteemAlive | Date: 27/07/2021

in SteemAlive3 years ago
It's quite wonderful to note down how I spent the day, most especially penning it down and show the world how it all went. This diary will encompass how the day went from the morning since I woke up till the end. Be my guest on this piece and I believe you'd enjoy it.

For the morning section, It was a cold morning and I woke up from the bed at 06:30 am with the aid of the alarm. It all started by observing my silent time, after which I embarked on tidying up the room. My routine of tidying up the room is quite constant every day, it instantly follows my silent time, so I put everything in place. After the room has been tidied up, I headed to the kitchen and took care of the dishes I used the previous night.

While I wash in the Kitchen- Image Location

Now, I have completed the house chores, had my bathe and I wrote down my to-do list for the day to keep my activities of the day under a watch to make effective use of my time. I had Bread and tea for my breakfast. After breakfast, I navigated to the Steemit crypto academy to attend a lecture and after studying, I started writing the homework given by the professor.

The homework writing started precisely at 10:26 am and it went on for a while. During the process of writing the homework, I spared a little time to attend to messages on the social media Apps and continued writing.

In a short while, it's already afternoon and I am yet to complete the homework such that I experienced slight fatigue, and I decided to take a break at 02:56 pm. I dropped my mobile device and took a nap for some time. The napping period ended at 4:30 pm with my device's alarm giving the notification that woke me.

I was a bit famished when I woke up, I entered the bathroom and took a shower. It was 05:05 pm and I headed out to eat at the Chicken Republic restaurant in my city. I took a selfie when I got to the location while I await my order.

Selfie at the Restaurant- Image Location

I left the restaurant and got home at 06:34 pm. I rested for a short while to prepare myself for the evening. @steemalive proposed a Crypto Academy workshop to hold at the evening of the day. See the workshop's banner below.

Workshop's banner- Creative made by @focusnow

I finished up my homework and posted it. Now, I visited the Crypto Academy to take a look at all the lectures presented for the week and properly reviewed them in preparation for the workshop later in the night. It's important to take something for the night, so I had a soft drink.

My dinner- Image Location

The workshop started at 09:00 pm and it was co-presented by the SteemAlive founder @focusnow as he took the first session of the workshop which lasted for 30 minutes. I took over at 09:30 pm, reviewed the lectures for all levels (Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced) giving an overview of the things expected from the students to do in each task. It was a great time and the attendees love the overall workshop. I attended to all questions asked after the workshop presentation and at 10:30 pm, I left all for the day.

Fred Br.png


I am glad to have enjoyed a great day like this and thanks to @steemalive for allowing me to be part of the presenters of the Crypto academy workshop held for the community members and thanks to all in participation.

Fred Br.png

Cc: @steemalive

Fred Br.png

Written by;


We really appreciate your sacrifice and time. You handled the presentation like a pro. The workshop has been of tremendous help to our community members. We hope to continue the mentorship and support through projects like this. Thank you so much. @fredquantum

 3 years ago 

Your consideration for all members brought the innovation of the workshop at the community @steemalive. To motivate others to do more and get enlightenment as regards certain areas that give them doubt. I'm glad to be part of the movement. Thank you.

 3 years ago 

Hello @fredquantum,

Thank you for sharing your diary in Steemalive Community.The best community when it comes to recruitment, training and support.

You had a busy and enjoyable day.Food is necessary to rejuvenate our body system.

As for the crypto tutorial class, you did marvelously well,I really hope you will become a professor in the season 4 of the crypto academy series.

Steem on!!

 3 years ago 

Thanks, @samuel20, I had an eventful day and I'm glad it ended well.

No doubt, @steemalive has been so solid with the 3 R's performing the duty of recruitment, retention, and rewarding of the members. It's been a wonderful experience being with the community since I joined Steemit.

It's nice to have you on this. Enjoy the rest of the day.

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