The diary game season 3: how I spent my day on 1/01/2022(10% payout to steemalive)

in SteemAlive3 years ago

Good morning my beautiful steemians, and happy New year, it's been awhile here, hope everyone is doing good, today I will be writing a short diary on how I spent my day on Saturday been 1/01/2022

    Morning activities

Happy new year once again, I woke up early morning full of joy and laughter, because God saw us through, my family, friends and relatives where all alive to witness 2022, it's a thing of joy.
I started my day with prayers, with all my families, after prayers, I went around our compound greeting people, wishing them happy new year, wow it's all about happiness that morning, nobody even time to cook, we were all going around greeting, calling and texting people happy new year, after awhile we had a good news that my aunty has given birth to a bouncing baby boy that morning, the happiness increased, after everything I was hungry, I just went inside the kitchen to prepare tea for myself.

        Afternoon activities

After alot of celebration, merry and fun, we started preparing to cook rice and Stew, this time around they did not leave everything for me to cook, so everybody put hand together to cook the rice, my mom sent me to kill the chicken, which I did.
After everything was done, we started sharing the food from compound to compound, people started coming to our house, some people also brought their own food to us and drinks.
I later took my bath and went to my friends house, I helped her cook her own new year rice, because it's was only her at home, after cooking she took her bath, we went out together to meet our other friends.

    Evening activities

Wow, my evening was about fun, going from one place to another, I later went to our yearly get together of my class mates, I saw all my old friends, all of them have grown big boys/girls.
I also took pictures with my best friend,
After the get together I later went to watch match. After going around and more, I went back to my house, so tried, I took
My bath, eat my food and slept off 😴😴


My day was a great one, laughter all the way, well I thank God for making me and my family to see 2022, thanks steemit family for reading my post.


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