The dairy game:16/11/2021, how I spent my day.

in SteemAlive3 years ago

Hello, my steemit family good evening, below is a short story on how I spent my day.

     Morning activities

Wow it's another great day to write dairies, I woke up around 5:am in the morning, I deed my normal morning chores, l also fetched some water in the morning, so it can be enough till I come back, I started preparing my brother to school and also getting ready for work, I took my bath and took my food along, I feed my brother because his a kind of person that eat slow.
Around 6:47am we left the house, I took him to his school before started going to my office, I intered a bus to, I spent almost 30mins to get to my office, because of traffic, traffic in my area is something else, well I thank God 🙏 I got to my office on time, so getting here I sign in, I dropped my bag and pray, later went for an errand for my boss, I spent almost 2hours there, so we I get back I eat my food and get back to work, I started arranging documents putting things together, well I had a little misunderstanding with my boss that morning.


     Afternoon activities

Today was a very busy day for me, it was really done on me because I didn't went to work yesterday, plus my boss shouting and the rest, so am done putting things in order I went to our reception to see some of my colleagues, we started hosting laughing and so on. Around 2:pm I went out to buy launch for my senior colleagues, I bought rice and salad for them (four plates) so one of them gave me 500naria for my own launch, so I eat yam and plantian with red oil after eating I had a little rest. It was time for break our break is normal 1hour, so I used it to visit our office at azikwe by East, I met our steemit member @focusnow, I asked him so many questions which he gave me the answer, he motivated me, and also said I should keep persisting. So I left the office and started coming back.


     Evening activities

Around 5:pm I started going back to the house, it was a rainy evening, I was stock on traffic, everywhere was blocked because of the rain and bad road too, I spent upto 1hour on traffic, to the extent I came from the bus and started tracking to the house, before I got to the house is already late, I was so tired and hungry, I rushed to the bathroom and took my shower, my mom has already made dinner for me (garri and vegetable soup) hot one, after eating, I helped my brother to do this homework after which I chatted online, made some calls and slept off😴😴😴



I thank God almighty for today, hoping for a better tomorrow, thank you for reading my post


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