Looking back 6 years ago (November 2015 - October 2016): A short story of my NYSC program in Awgu Enugu State

in SteemAlive3 years ago



I want to start by saying a big thank you to Facebook memories. I just got these pictures of my NYSC again after I have lost all of them. Gradually, Facebook reminds me of these years gone, the memories are something to be cherished and saved. Few minutes ago, I got another set of pictures from my Facebook memory reminder. So it inspired this post. Let me briefly tell you about my service year in Awgu, Enugu State Nigeria.


A dream Service year in Awgu, November 2015

When I graduated from Abia State polytechnic in 2014 August, I made cleared my papers. 3.05 CGPA was a dream come true. After my clearance, I applied for NYSC. That time, our school had an action Rector who makes sure students do not waste much time to get called up once they are through. Elder A. A Onukaogu did well in his days at my school.

So when they started shortlisting those that were invited for service, I was happy to see my name. And when I heard i was posted to Enugu, it was another thing of Joy. That time, everyone wants to serve either in Enugu or Calabar, the only two states where the state pays 10,000 naira, in addition to the Federal allawee. So when I saw I was deployed there, I was excited.

After the normal 3 weeks orientation camp, I went to collect my PPA. Another great thing happened. I was posted to one of only two schools in the whole of Enugu with an Ultra Modern IT center - fully equipped with solar, but only lacking someone that will handle it. And I studied computer Science - marriage made in heaven. It was the best place I could have served. Here are highlights of my service year.


Highlights of service year in Awgu

1. My Work Environment: Like I tipped above, I had a dream PPA for someone who is into IT. I served in Boys Secondary School, mbgowo, in Awgu LGA Enugu. The school has an ultra-modern IT center which was equipped to the teeth. There is interrupted power supply because of a massive solar installation. Its a fully air-conditioned IT facility with a 1-year unmetered broadband internet connection. I was the IT trainer, and within two months of work, I had already won the trust of the School. So they gave me the key to the center and told me to go home with it so that I can always walk in their anytime, anyday.

So whenever, I want to, even on weekends and evenings, I go to the center, put on the light, systems and internet and stay as much as my time allows.

2. Copper's Lodge: That time, it was common for coppers to share accomodation due to shortage of it in those rural areas. But mine was again different. They made sure each corp member has one room for himself. Since I was the first to arrive, I choose one of the best rooms. It was actually a 4 room Cooper's lodge. The village has steady light. When it goes, I just walk into the IT center which is 2 minutes away from the lodge.

3. The Climate: Enugu has a dry climate, so obtaining good water was really hard. They have wells all over the place, but most of them are actually hard water. Its difficult for soap or detergents to foam well with such water. So we usually go to a home 25 minutes away from our lodge to obtain better water. We buy satchet water in bags for drinking and cooking.

4. State Allawee: Like i said, the state allawee of 10,000 naira was one reason we all wanted to serve in Enugu or Calabar. We enjoyed it for the first 4 months. Unfortunately, it ended in our time. The state reduced the allawee from 10,000 naira to 5000 naria. Some corp members were even owed their state allawee. Fortunately again, I got mine for the entire 1 year.

5. The People: Awgu people are friendly and kind. They welcome visitors and treated corp members with love. They are mainly farmers and traders. so during the seasons, they bring us fruits. They also process cassava into garri, so from time to time, we have some free garri from a neighbor or from our landlady. They usually shout "Corper!!!" anytime they see us in uniform. Its nice to be with them.

6. NYSC officials: Our LGI and Zi are really friends to us all. They are eager to help us overcome any issues. Our LGI is a young man in his early 40's. The ZI was a woman who is hihly educated and enlightened. The LGI makes sure everything happens as at when due. He is also a business man who will do business with you if you want to be a Ghost Coorper. i wonder if those things are possible now with finger print attendance and other modern technologies of today.

7. PPA staff: The Principal of BSS, Awgu was a kind man. He listens anytime we have issues. He is quick to cater to the welfare of corp members. Sometimes when we are absent, he gets angry. But if there is a good reason to be off, he understands. The teachers were also kind and cooperative. Overall, I enjoyed working with them during that 1 year. I would choose them again if given another chance.

8. Sad Experience? I remember two. One of them is that they stole my NYSC uniform inside our dometry during the 3 weeks orientation program. So I had to beg and beg to get a replacement. It was not really funny. The second one was towards the end of my service year. Thieves came and stole the solar panels giving the center light. We were taken to a police station to make a statement. Those panels were never recovered and we passed out within two months of that ugly incident



My NYSC year was one full of fund memories. This is just a summary of my one in Enugu serving the mother land. Since I passed out, I have visited my PPA twice, but have not gone back since 3 years now. I hope to do so anytime I will travel to Enugu.


My NYSC gallery November 2015 - October 2016









 3 years ago 

This I really wonderful sir @focusnow,
I laughed in Korea after watching these pictures.. chaiiiii
E no easy to serve our fatherland

 3 years ago 

Huncle @focusnow chaiiiii.
Your NYSC experiences were wow!
Sorry I can't help but laugh at your sad experience.
I can imagine how bad you felt after realizing your khaki was missing.

Marriage made in heaven

I reserve that one.
😆 😆

 3 years ago 

@patience90. I didnt join the first parade because I had no uniform. It was sad and embarracing. Village people everywhere. Hahah

 3 years ago 

I'm telling you they never give up but you chock them last last.

 3 years ago 

Wow , you served at Awgu..... Awgu is my maternal home..... I hope they treated you well....

 3 years ago 

Really? This is interesting. I enjoyed my stay in Awgu. Its memorable. I will come to your place next time @tripplem

 3 years ago 

Wow! remeberance when I was a youth copper.Congratulations.@focusnow

 3 years ago 

Thanks @chigold1. It was a great thing to remember. Thanks to Facebook memories

 3 years ago 

Your love for softwares has an origin

Your service year was well spent, we have similar experience in the area of state allowance.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience with us.

So sorry for the ugly experience, i know the thieves have paid for what they did even more.

Omg! @focusnow is this you? Chaii thank God for growth. Nysc experience for me was not all good but we went through

 3 years ago 

Uncle Charles you look good on this your NYCS uniform. It was really a good time to remember

This must have really been a special moment for you..
Thank you for sharing with us..

Wow! As I was going through this post, it was as if it's something that is just happening now. Any way, you're welcome Sir.

 3 years ago 

Wow @focusnow, you really had a wonderful year in AWGU, you know memories like this helps one to appreciate God the more, thank you for sharing this wonderful memories with us especially the hard water in Enugu State, i use to hear it until i experienced it may this year 2021, thank you for being patient for that full one year

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