Drug Abuse - learn about it and how to protect yourself from its effects

in SteemAlive2 years ago



Drug abuse is actually a global issue. Everywhere you live, you will see people that are fulltime into drug abuse. It has caused ghastly motor accidents, ruined many young lives and even led to the death of countless victims. So it is important that we get enlightened, so as to take measures to protect our lives and that of loved ones.

What is drug abuse

Drug abuse happens when one uses legal or illegal drugs for purposes other than that which they were meant. We usually think about drug abuse in terms of illegal substances. But then, when we use prescription drugs for non-medical purposes, that is drug abuse. For example, some people take some drugs for pleasure. Some drugs can cause hallucinations, induce sleep or even give super natural strength. These may not be the medical use of such drugs, but people have discovered that it can have such effects on them, so they abuse it.

People abuse drugs in more ways than one. Let me quickly look into that right now.


How people abuse drugs

There are different ways people abuse drugs and we need to be aware of it. Its even important so that we will not be unknowingly abusing drugs. Below are some forms of drug abuse:

1. Alcohol: Too much in take of alcohol is a form of drug abuse. Drinking to the level of getting drug is abuse of alcohol. The chemical content of the alcohol changes your body mechanisms and you start to behave in a weird manner. The way alcohol reacts in people's bodies is different from person to person. So before you take any quantity of alcohol, know the percentage volume and know what is too much for your body system.

2. Prescription drugs: This is the most common form of drug abuse. People simply take drugs without the doctors prescription. That is drug abuse. If you have fever, cough or any other symptoms and you take medicine without proper diagnosis, you are abusing it.

When you take more medicine than was prescribed for you, that is also drug abuse. If you do not take medicine the way it was prescribed, or you skipped the amount or frequency of medicine prescribed for you, that is drug abuse. If you take drugs for entertainment or pleasure, that is also drug abuse. People swallow pills everyday without proper medical diagnosis. So we should avoid all these forms of prescription drug abuse.

3. Banned or illegal drug abuse: There are some drugs that are out rightly banned in most countries. Some of them are hard drugs like marijuana, heroin, Cocaine, etc. In many countries, it is illegal to own, move or even use these drugs. But the dirty drug business is still flourishing and these hard drugs are still being abused in various ways. It even ends up in the hands of unruly elements of the society.

The abuse of legal and illegal drugs continue to be a real source of worry and problems in the society. Consider some of the harmful effects.

From Pixabay


Effects of Drug abuse

Drug abuse have lots of effects on the users. We can categorize the effects from physical to mental. All of them are really negative on the body of the user.

Mental effects of drug abuse

  • Isolation and reduced social interaction
  • It can lead to feelings of hyperactivity
  • Leads to depression
  • Inability to maintain concentration
  • Loss of memory and reduced mental coordination

Physical effects of drug abuse

  • lowered blood pressure
  • Aches and pains in the joint
  • Increased or heightened sensitivity
  • Improper or even reduced physical coordination
  • It can lead to increased violent behavior


How to prevent drug abuse

Preventing drug abuse requires conscious efforts and some level of commitment. Here are some suggestions that can work

  • Do not succumb to peer pressure. Your peers will want you to abuse drugs. So no to drugs. Walk away from situations that will make you want to compromise. Plan ahead of how to respond to pressures.

  • Abstain from drugs: Addition to drug could be hard to break. So from day one, its better you do not get into drugs in the first place. Abstinence is the best option

  • Speak to a trusted friend or family member if you feel pressured to do drugs. Or if you are already abusing drugs. They will be sure to help you

  • Choose a wholesome lifestyle. Your choice of entertainment and relaxation should be free of drugs or drug abuse.

  • Get professional help: If you feel that you are already abusing drugs or in danger of doing so, please seek professional help



Drug abuse is a problem we can see beyond national borders. even some people are abusing drugs without being aware of it. Its better to protect oneself and family by not getting into drug abuse. Lets together contribute to a cleaner future for ourselves and unborn generations. Lets live a drug abuse free life.

 2 years ago (edited)

This is the area that most people do ignore.

If you do not take medicine the way it was prescribed, or you skipped the amount or frequency of medicine prescribed for you,

Patients do skip the prescription frequency especially whenever they think they're better. But, it's part of drug abuse. I wish such minds can read this article.

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Drug abuse is a bad omen. No one is free of it's devastating effect, the family, kindred, community and the larger society.

If in doubt, take a look at our market squares, parks, refuse dumps, etc to know the increasing number of mentally deranged people.

 2 years ago 

People do skip drugs immediately they are relieved,they think that since they are relieved taking the drugs is no longer necessary not knowing that are abusing drugs

 2 years ago 

This is the area that most people do ignore.

If you do not take medicine the way it was prescribed, or you skipped the amount or frequency of medicine prescribed for you,

Patients do skip the prescription frequency especially whenever they think they're better. But, it's part of drug abuse. I wish such minds can read this article.

Yes dear you know in some cases, the addiction can be so strong that the person will continue to use drugs even when they are sick and could die from their addiction.

 2 years ago 

Get professional help: If you feel that you are already abusing drugs or in danger of doing so, please seek professional help

Drug abuse is really bad as some abuse it intentionally and others unintentional.

Also as.yoy.just said in your post,it is always good to seek the doctors advise whenever we fall victim of it cause failure to do so,it may cause some of those health problems you listed in your post like lowered blood pressure,and also depression.

@ogwo yes its really bad and drug abusers often feel a sense of control and power over their own lives. They feel that they are in control of what they are doing, even though the substance they are abusing is actually controlling them.

 2 years ago 

So persons take hard drugs and they are fully aware that they are abusing the drugs while some persons think that they are doing the right thing not knowing that they are abusing drugs


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 2 years ago 

Choose a wholesome lifestyle. Your choice of entertainment and relaxation should be free of drugs or drug abuse.

Lifestyle is a everything like association. That is why they said, tell me show me your friend, i will show you who you are.
Danger associated with drug abuse is much and one need to avoid it. The earlier the better. How i wish this post should be shared on other social media platform so that millions of people should learn from it.

Drug abuse is now common in our society both young and old are into it now which is very bad.

We all know that drug abuse is a serious problem, but it can be difficult to understand the extent of the problem. Drug abuse takes many forms, from using illegal drugs to heavy alcohol use, and it can lead to addiction and other problems.

Yes you are right but i think Drug abusers should be aware of the potential risks that come with using drugs, and should always seek professional help when needed.

 2 years ago 

That's true ma,if those boost on other social medias it will help reduce the increase of drug abuse.

When a person follows a bad friend it is either the bad friend emulate them or they emulate the bad friend

 2 years ago 

It is easy yo learn bad things than good. Check out peer pressure, is it for good or for bad? 90% of peer pressure is for bad. The bible clearly said at 1chorint, 15:33 that bad association spoils useful habit.

 2 years ago 

It is really difficult to change a bad friend but very easy to change a good friend that's why when you try to change them and it's not working out you should leave them before they change you

 2 years ago 

Prescription drugs: This is the most common form of drug abuse. People simply take drugs without the doctors prescription. That is drug abuse. If you have fever, cough or any other symptoms and you take medicine without proper diagnosis, you are abusing it.

I'm guilty of this. Hmmm i will try my best to always go for checkups in order to get prescribed drugs. Thanks.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse explains that drug abuse can lead to a wide range of health problems including addiction, overdose, brain damage, and liver disease. It's not just the drugs that are harmful; drug abusers are also at risk for contracting HIV and other diseases

Indeed drugs abuse could get relate illegal way of getting use drugs substances . And using prescription drugs for none medical purposes . Moreso drugs can get effect one state of mental health , physical wellness and emotional state of relations.

Drug abusers are often young and vulnerable to peer pressure, which makes it even harder for them to quit. Drug abuse is an addiction that changes the brain chemistry of the person.

 2 years ago 

Drug abuse has caused so many effects on both humans and community. Some persons see it as abusing drugs as a normal thing

 2 years ago 

Choose a wholesome lifestyle. Your choice of entertainment and relaxation should be free of drugs or drug abuse.

This is absolutely correct! In today's world, especially here in our environment, if you don't entertain your guests with alcohol, which in turn, leads to drug abuse, it's as if you didn't do anything. Lifestyle matters.

 2 years ago 

Drugs like alcohol are now seen as a Kola for some youths and even the old ones increasing the rate of drug abuse

These may not be the medical use of such drugs, but people have discovered that it can have such effects on them, so they abuse it.

People have found that if they ingest these drugs, they can have such effects as euphoria, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure. One of the most popular drugs is MDMA which is commonly known as ecstasy. It is known to produce a sense of peace and well-being and can also reduce anxiety.

 2 years ago 

Do not succumb to peer pressure. Your peers will want you to abuse drugs. So no to drugs. Walk away from situations that will make you want to compromise. Plan ahead of how to respond to pressures.

Overcoming peer pressure is really difficult but we should try as much as we can overcome. We should also try to stop our friends/peers from abusing drugs and that can only be done when we abstain from all forms of drug abuse and by enlightening them about the harmful effects of drug abuse

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