Diary game Season 3: Sit at home order and how it affects Mondays. 24/1/2022. (Powered up 200 Steem)

in SteemAlive3 years ago



I welcome you friends to my blog once again. Its been a while I have written diaries, isnt it? Am sorry about the little absence. Now am fully back, and it would be a pleasure to tell you how I spent my Monday, the 24th day of january 2022. Lets get into it


Morning Activities

Its a day that we stay at home. Mondays are sit-at-home days for us in the SouthEast part of Nigeria due to the separatist struggle taking place here. So unlike other days, I do not wake early. I woke around 6.30am. By this time, other family members are already up and waiting for me for the morning worship. We did not waste time to do that once I rose.

The morning worship took around 40 minutes where we discussed some bible principles for daily living. After the morning worship, I came online to check on the notifications that are already many. I replied to some messages on the community page and my page too. I also checked some Whatsapp notifications and Telegram. By 8.50am, I was already getting ready to leave the house. My breakfast was rice and stew, with Salad and chicken. Take a look below:


The Sit-at-home order is not so strict now and people can still move around. Only that markets do not open. Also the roads are not as busy as they use to be on normal days. In fact some shops did not open. You can see how the road is scanty in this image below. Ofcourse, the road engineers are busy with the construction going on.



When I got to the office, everywhere was so quiet due to the few people that are on the road. I really enjoyed working in that quiet and serene environment. I worked until it was afternoon. Then I went to do a POS transaction


Afternoon Activities

Because everywhere was so scanty, I did not see POS operators nearby. So I had to go to the main park. I did the transaction and also used the opportunity to find lunch. I ate plaintain for my lunch. I came back to the office and rested for about 1 hour before i resumed. I resumed around 2.20pm and started with teh top 5 posts of the day.

When I finished the top 5 posts of the day, it was already getting late. Around 5.30pm. So I started preparing to leave for home.


Evening Activities

My evening went very well as planned. From the office, I have to pass through the market everyday to pick some important things I need. So I stopped at Ngwa Road by Ndoki and trekked into the market. First I bought some fruits like Udara and carrot. I also bought coconut. I love it. Then I went to buy fuel for my generator, and meat too for cooking at home.

After those things, I went to board Keke that will take me home. I arrived home around 6.30pm. It was already getting dark. I rushed off to the bathroom to shower. It makes my body cool down and feel fresh. Then I enjoyed my fruits after bathing and had to rest too. I slept for about 1 hour and woke again to take my dinner. After dinner, I stayed online chattiing with friends till I fell asleep finally around 10.50pm. That was how my Monday went, a fulfilling day indeed

Thank you friend for reading my story. Hope it made sense to you

Note to @steemitblog: 10% of this post earnings goes to @steemalive as beneficiary.

Powered up 200 Steem to remain in Club5050


I enjoyed reading your diary game and it was really interesting. Thank you for sharing with us sir

Of course @focusnow it made a lot of sense. Am glad you spent your day well.

I really loved the way you powered up and also am eyeing that food oooooo😃😃

 3 years ago 

A simple and precise Diarygame... ooh diaries like this make me remember the past when 01 and 02 don't joke with it, at times we receive @trafalgar's support too.

Anyways you really spent your day wisely, not wasting any of your time on something not beneficial. You produced a good content here. We keep winning together.

Wonderful diary Sir, Thanks for sharing, I'm looking forward to making quality posts like yours soon

Wow what an awesome day thanks for sharing sir ✊

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