Your Tongue And Your Future/By @ezeemmanuel

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians!
It's a very good day to wish you guys a happy weekend. It is a pleasure to be here once again. Today, I will be making a note on the topic "Your tongue and your future". Before I continue, some of these terms are to be taken into consideration. The terms are as follows; "tongue","future" and "yourself".
In a nutshell, the tongue is only found in the mouth of any typical vertebrate. It stands to describe a muscular organ inside the mouth of a living typical vertebrate. The tongue helps in the disintegration and mastication of liquids and solid substances that serves as food to the typical living vertebrates. The tongue helps in the swallowing of food substances like chewed pawpaw and fried rice. It as well, helps in checking taste of liquids like drinkable water,juice,beverages e.t.c. Taste stands to notify the main aim of the tongue as it is used for check food substances that's okay to the body. It also serves other purposes such as helping in articulation and pronunciation of words and alphabets.
Future; This means something to come in distant near time or far distant time. It is a period ahead of us, moments to come or periods not yet experienced.
Yourself; Stands to be you, your own self or can mean oneself. Hence, the tongue of oneself has a big say in shaping the life of one in moment not yet experienced.
The Mystery Behind Your Tongue
Often time, we find it difficult to tell what or how our tongue can really affect our way of life,character,behaviour,people around us and also our future. But the truth still remains that "as a man thinketh in his heart,so is he". Thus,what makes a man is 90% of what he thinks either from his inner voices( voices of the soul-heart) or from the physical muscular organ(physical tongue), can make a man. Allow me to take you down the corridor of man's mystery of speaking.Here,a man is only made by what cometh of him, for instance; if the sole thought of a man in the inner him is always negatives then, it rightly justifies that the outside of him would if not completing those negations;would at least put it 87% of those ill thoughts into action physically.******The tongue here symbolises both the inner speaking voices of the spirit in your head,heart and mind and also the physical muscular organ that helps you to speak.******In general,the tongue can literally metonymies "to speak". ******Thus,speaking passes information that can either make you or mar.
Your Tongue The Driver Of Your Destiny
In life, "words" are operative, effectual,potent and has spirits and live in it. Tracing from biblical corridor, Christ-like people who doesn't control her tongue,has lost his religious worth and is just fooling herself. The book of Life(the Bible) made it clear that God(the Creator) has set for his fellowers 'the tongue'. So that, the should know the things they should say and things they shouldn't. Quoting from a Bible verse in James 3:5-6, and it says as smallest as thy tongue is, it can cause ambigous damage, poison the whole body and set on fire the course of nature Accordingly, this means it can render a whole life useless and ineffective. The purpose of your tongue given to you by God, is to enable you chart your future and shape your destiny. Meanwhile, your destiny signifies your future, entailing whether it's worth successful or not. Note before that all that you have been uttering since your life, is a total reflection of whom you are today or let's say it in a more concise manner "where you are today, is a total propagation of what you have been saying all your life.

In conclusion,we should learn to speak less. Speak only when it is necessary by controlling our tongue and speaking in line with the word. We should also learn to control our tongue even while joking. Innovate the destiny (future) you seek of, by uttering consistent words of Peace,healthiness,wealth,joy,success and power inherent in you from the beginning.
Thanks for reading..🥰❤️🥰

I'm still your little comrade @ezeemmanuel


 3 years ago 


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