SteemAlive Contest: Happy Universal Childrens Day - Let's Celebrate Kids//@essygold/28/05/2021

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

Children’s Day celebration is an occasion used to honour the children around the world. This is done to protect them from dangerous and difficult circumstance and to give room for continuous education while having fun. As the saying goes –

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

The aim of this event was to promote International togetherness, create social awareness and improve the welfare of children worldwide.

The Founder was Reverend Dr. Charles Leonard in Chelsea, USA in 1857.

My children and their friends organized a party to observe the children day on May Thursday 27th 2021. We started with cooking for the party as my children and their friends (6 of them) organized the party with their money, they started contributing N100 daily since March 2021 to mark the Children’s day celebration for themselves and other children.

It was a day of joy and fun for us as parents to see how this arrangement by the children came to its fullfilment on this day. I really supported their arrangement, I got dressed in a simple gown and joined the children for these beautiful occasion of theirs.

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at the kitchen

Please click the VIDEO LINK below to watch the children dancing and enjoying themselves at the party.

The Party:

The party started about 3pm with the arrival of children within our Estate and many other of their invited friends and school mates. It started with an opening prayer by a child one of the organiser's by name - Miss Chisom. She prayed for the success of the party and for all the children.

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The DJ who has started playing loud music since early morning hours invited many other guests through this means because it was like one of the first and best children party ever arranged by the children themselves in our locality. People were greatly amazed.

There were 2 MC’s, the first introduced herself as MC Peru Canada. And the second was MC Tony Tonero. MC Peru Canada started with words of encouragement and advise for the children. She asked series of questions like - how many of you want their future to be bright? All of them responded in affirmation that they want to. She said it requires determination for success to be achieved.

She asked again what is 'determination' the first child that came out could not answer the question correctly. A young girl answered it in her own way partially correct. The MC then gave the correct answer that Determination is the drive and goal that leads to achievement. Focusing on a particular object and wished to accomplish a particular task with an objective leads to achievement and that is determination.

She further advised the children, that Honesty is required - to be truthful and never to tell lies.

MC Peru Canada urged them to be straight forward and avoid bad association, bad friends and bad company. Use your gifted skills and talents wisely. She asked the children - what is your talents that you want to become in the future? – Drawing, Reading, Dancing, Knitting etc were among the things the children mentioned.

She concluded that hard work is also required. Always listen to your parents. Listen to God and be a prayerful child and God will guide you. Those were very powerful words of wisdom imparted to the children by MC Peru Canada.


The second MC – Tony Tonero – took the microphone and started with powerful Riddles to warm everyone’s brain both parents and children.


What are Riddles? MC Tony Tonero answered that riddles are Brain teasers to stimulate your brain to think. Then he asked the children – “if you have Liver’ come out and Pick a number and answer the question on the number you pick.
The first child picked No, 7 – the question was:
1.1 What has teeth but cannot bite? The child could not answer the riddle, The MC said the answer himself
Answer - A Comb

Here comes the second question -
1.2 What is so fragile that even saying its name breaks it. Many of the children tried, even we parents but no one could get the answer. The MC answered it again as -

Answer - Silence
The Riddle was becoming fun and everyone looking forward to the third question -

1.3 What is the end of Everything. I myself thought I know the answer and I whispered to a child to say – death – but we failed it woefully. This one was so surprising that we did not think at all that it was very simple. MC Tony Tonero said it again
Answer -. Letter G

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Me at the party


This very task was so much fun. 2 sets of children came out. The first were 1 girl and 2 boys. Infact these children drank oooooo and eventually the boy won. But the girl almost fainted as she has not done such a task before. All the same it was fun,
The second group was the 6 friends that organized the party, and they started drinking with a background music. Eventually 1 of them came up winner after about 2 minutes she finished up. Everyone was happy and applauded.

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The 6 organisers all friends

Presentation of Gifts:

The children presented lots of gifts to their guests ranging from – Pencils, Exercise books, chocolates, biscuits, drinks and take away foods. It was so fun and lovely. We the parents also received our own gifts too. They gave us a plate of Rice garnished with salad and big chicken lap. Infact I enjoyed myself to the extent that I could not eat another food for the night because I was well fed and full with fun.

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I learned a lot of new things during this occasion of the Children Day party. 1) Giving is very important in life. It reminds me of what the Holy Bible says in Acts 20:35 “…there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving“ I want to always give out both materially and spiritually.

  1. Friendship is very important especially good friends. I got to see and know their friends that I have not known before. My children also showed it out again during this event. I must avoid bad company because the Bible also said “Bad association spoils useful habits” 1 Corinthians 15:33.

  2. Leadership. These attitude was displayed by this children courageously without looking to their parents to support them in organizing the party. They did it all alone. I must continue to be a Leader.

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 3 years ago 

Wow! great content. I so much enjoyed the reading, the way you talked about children here, it was truly amazing, I liked it. Thanks for participating.

 3 years ago 

@bright-obias - thank you so much for reading through to the end, that celebration was really enjoyed infact that was the best I have ever given attention to.

 3 years ago 

Woow, that is so thoughtful of the children. They will really make you proud. Best of the season to them. That drinking competition can be something else.

 3 years ago 

charis20 - thanks so much for you observation. That drinking competition was just on soft drinks and just to add fun to the whole show. You needed to be there my dear sister it was just a happy occasion.

What a wonderful way to celebrate the children's day.

 3 years ago 

Exactly. It was all fun through @jaspichman125 thanks for your observation

You're welcome

 3 years ago 

Good entry @essygold. It's always a pleasure to be with children and celebrate with them. For me children are the best companion you can have for each day comfort. Their innocence and engagement with you makes you feel happy and they potray exactly what the feel at all moment. It is good to organise such events to build friendship amongst children like these children did. It alsoe encourages sharing and create that bond of love amongst them. Thanks for sharing how the day was celebrated with us
#twopercent #camerooon

 3 years ago 

My sister @tenguhatanga, you did well. Going through to see how it all went, I want to say thank you. Hope you are enjoying your day.

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