MY 2022 HEALTH GUIDES - 10% PAY OUT TO @steemalive //@essygold/27/01/22

in SteemAlive3 years ago


"Life has no duplicate". It is often said and as you rightly know, there is no photocopy of our lives, which we can pick up somewhere someday to continue from. Hence we must tidy ourselves up very well and enhance our health. Wherever we notice a gap in our healthy living, we must be quick to respond and close it. With these in mind I learnt a great lesson from the excerpts copied from a lecture delivered by a Pharmacist last year 2021. It is still applicable this year of 2022.


Lecture By Pharm. Lawal Muhammed (Doctor of Pharmacy), A consultant Clinical Pharmacist (cardio/renal) with West African Postgraduate college of Pharmacists:

Regular exercise, this must be graduated and suitable for your health/social status - stop eating hides and skin "kpomo" it's a slow killer.

Observe regularly siesta, even if you don't fall asleep, just have a quiet time, put off your phone or put it in silence mode while observing siesta.

As much as possible, sleep on your left side when sleeping especially at night, this helps to drain the system of toxic substances through the lymphatic system. For the muslims, you can start with your right hand side to say your prayers before you sleep after which you can change later. I hope you understand?

Do not immediately rise on your feet after you wake up from sleep especially at night, remain on your sleeping position for (20- 30 sec) even if you are pressed, then rise to a sitting position for same time, then you can stand up and walk. This helps to prevent sudden brain damage that could lead to stroke.

Avoid cold bath as much as possible it should be warm. This also helps in reducing chances of stroke/heart attack.

Know your body mass index (BMI) and work towards maintaining ideal BMI (20 - 25 kg/m square). If not done, this has a lot of health implications ranging from sudden death, metabolic disorder like diabetes; Cardiovascular disorders like hypertension, heart attack, stroke; infertility problems like an ovulation in females; Neuromuscular problems like rheumatism; & Respiratory distress amongst others. You see that there are a whole lots of problems if you don't keep fit. Obesity is not a sign of good living but ill health.

Cut down your stress level both physical/mental/psychological/emotional and take time out for recreational activities especially those that will make you happy and laugh.

Avoid caffeinated beverages like Millo, Bournvita etc. You may go for green tea instead.

Avoid sitting on a spot beyond two hours max., stand and walk around after one and half or max two hours of sitting. It's for the health of your GIT - gastro intestinal tract. More so it avert chances of hemorrhoid (pile).

Regular health check.

Imbibe the culture of preventive medicine and not curative medicine.



  • Do not be too quick in doing things. Become a solution provider.

  • Anything you don't know, ask questions, shyness can kill you.

  • Love yourself and people will love you. Avoid the spirit of satisfying everyone.

  • Have a good budget and stick to it. You may review this quarterly.

  • Avoid stepping on people's 'toes' that feet may serve as a step to climb your stairs.

  • Be proactive. Personal organisation is highly important in your life's journey.

I hope I have made you smile. I feel this points can serve some purpose in your life. Thanks for reading to the end.



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 2 years ago 

Thanks for reading to the end

Thank you for this wonderful information ma

 2 years ago 

Thank for this write up. It's is a call to awareness and inspirational. Sometimes we just get into things without proper thinking or just ignore some of them. Thank you for sharing. It's a sign of your love to us
#twopercent #cameroon

You wrote quality post full of timely information. I must not satisfy everyone. Thanks for this lecture

Its never a good idea to ignore your health. This is a great article.

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