3 Reasons why you should Consider Enterpreneurship as a career

in SteemAlive2 years ago


Opening Words

I am here with my second post since I came back. It has not really been easy for me, but Like I said before, I am back and here to stay. Today, I want to write about entrepreneurship. Many people want to have a good paying job. Students are encouraged to graduate with high grades so that they can land a job that will pay them very well. But very few are ever encouraged to pursue a career as an entrepreneur. So this post will look at why you or anyone should seriously consider entrepreneurship as a lifetime career.

First of all, let us define who an entrepreneur is.

Who is an entrepreneur

I will want to use a dictionary definition of entrepreneur to show us the meaning. Below is how Investopedia defined who an entrepreneur is:

An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures. Investopedia

From the above, we can simply say that an entrepreneur is a business owner. And from the above too, we can see that an entrepreneur tries to take risks as he invents new ideas, products and services to solve a known problem. I will not go deep into the job of an entrepreneur. The focus of my article is the reasons why everyone can consider entrepreneurship as a career option.

3 Reasons why you should become an Entreprenuer

Here are the reasons why you should seriously consider becoming an entrepreneur.

Job Security: When you are your own boss, nobody can fire you. People that work in various organizations are at the mercy of their employers. Your boss can wake up tomorrow and fire you. Today people loose their jobs in thousands because of many reasons. For example, economic pressures can make it hard for companies to retain all staff. Layoffs are all too common. So as an entrepreneur, your job is secure and nobody can fire you.

2. No fixed Income: Employees have fixed salaries and wages. They have to wait for some period of time before they earn any income. Salaries and wages are always fixed and they cannot solve all your problems. As an entrepreneur, your income opportunities are limitless. And the time to earn is not fixed. Interestingly, more than 90% of the world's richest people are entrepreneurs. Think about it.

3. Free time If you are employed and work for a company, they own your time. You must sleep and wake up when they want you to. If you work 9-5 everyday, then you cant do vacations when you wish. You cannot spend time with family at your wish. You must take permission, which is subject to approval, even when you are sick. That is terrible. Entrepreneurs have the whole time for themselves. They work, travel, sleep and vacation when they want. There is absolute freedom of time for entrepreneurs.


I have been an entrepreneur for years. It pays. The above are just 3 benefits of becoming an entrepreneur. Obviously, there is more. You just need to consider the above benefits and seriously think about becoming an entrepreneur. Maybe career opportunities await you there.


Good to have you back here . Being your own boss should be desirable , getting to chose an entrepreneur as career is equally good . At all knowledge is key , thank for passing it here.

 2 years ago 

Being an entrepreneur is something one need to take serious, an entrepreneur will see a problem and solve it, renders valuable services to humanity.

Thank you for educating us the more

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Job security is one important of being an entrepreneur. You are sure of not being fired by anyone.

You are the controller and manager of your business.

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