The invention of airplane and how it has changed our lives today. by @emjeak.steemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)




Greetings. Dear friends, I treasure the honour of having you great steemians. As the day gets closer to the night I trust we all had a good day. I invite you to read along, as we do a little research on one of the safest means of transportation. We must have used one means of transportation today, either tricycle, bus, car, train, ship, or even airplane. Let us do a brief research on AIRPLANE. Four pertinent factors will guide us in this research. Let's start

  • [1] Brief history about the invention - the inventor, in what year and place it was invented, any experiments in the process of invention
  • [2] What was life like before the invention? How life changed as a result of the invention
  • [3] Any changes, upgrades or modifications over the years to this invention?
  • [4] Any negative effects of this invention to the environment or life as a whole.



Brief history about the invention - the inventor, in what year and place it was invented, any experiments in the process of invention

Like many other major inventions airplane is not isolated, as there are other individuals that must be credited with the invention of airplane. It all started with the Frenchman VICTOR TATIN in 1887. Then came the Brazilian inventior and sportsman and one of the very few people who contributed to developing airplane. ALBERTO SANTOS-DUMONT made his contributions while living in Paris France. He was also first to fly an airship by himself. Sadly ALBERTO SANTOS-DUMONT committed suicide in 1932. The originator EMMA LILIAN TODD from Washington DC, America. She was the first woman in the world to design airplane in 1906.Source
The WRIGHT BROTHERS were American aviation pioneers, accredited with building, inventing and flying the world first successful Motor-operated airplane, in 1903.



What was life like before the invention? How life changed as a result of the invention

Life before the invention of airplane was very difficult, the only means of transportation was by foot. Imagine walking from (example) Nigeria to Cameroon, later people started ridding Camel and horses. With the invention of airplane, people can now comfortably transverse lands in a short time and with loads, like crops and other items.



Any changes, upgrades or modifications over the years to this invention?

There has been lots of changes, and modifications of airplane. Over the years airplane has gone from single engine to two or more bigger and stronger engine. There are different types of airplane with different enginees, then their are military jets, passenger airplane, cargo airplane, that can carry heavy loads and fly over a long distance in a record time.



Any negative effects of this invention to the environment or life as a whole.

There are many negative effects of airplane to the environment and life. Let us consider three major negative effects from the many:

  • Emission of green house gasses
  • Noise pollution
  • Global warming

The noise from these airplane turbo engine can be irritating to the ear. The carbon monoxide that is exhausted from the engine is a major source of global warming.



Next time you see a flying object in the sky, you will like to know what it is, they look so tiny that one begins to wonder if it's a bird or airplane.
Thank you so much for staying with me. I do hope you enjoyed this research, have a good night rest. I'll be glad to read your opinion in the comments section.

This post has been set at 10% to @steemalive


 2 years ago 

Hi @emjeak,

Thank you for making yet another entry in the contest.I really liked the way you presented the post section by section.The invention of aeroplane is one of the greatest human invention.One can now travel from one country to another,one continent to another with the highest possible ease.I am also glad that there are also modifications upon the invention of aeroplane.Thank you for educating us.

ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?

Air planes has really change lives for better. The comfortable and speed in travelling from one country to another can't be over emphasized. Thanks for bringing this our way @emjeak

 2 years ago 

@nsikakadem. Without airplane it was stressful to move from one place to another. Thanks to Mr wright for buying airplane toys to the wright brothers. Thanks for stopping by. Best wishes.

Hats off for you for such wonderful research sir.

" The noise from these airplane turbo engine can be irritating to the ear. The carbon monoxide that is exhausted from the engine is a major source of global warming.

But they says when you're into the plane you don't feel the noise...?

 2 years ago 


But they says when you're into the plane you don't feel the noise...?

You are correct.
I think they have noise proof in the airplane, again the engine sound changes before it takes off.

You really out done yourself @emjeak, your post is detailed and well arranged no doubt how your post was selected, the aeroplane was an outstanding invention in man kind history, it solved the stress of long distance travel, and thanks to your enlightenment we know it has a few disadvantage to the atmosphere.

 2 years ago 

@jammyroberts. Thanks for your comments, I really appreciate. Best wishes.


 2 years ago 

Imagine how many years it will take for someone to travel by foot from Nigeria to Cameron? Honestly airplane is the fastest means if transportation. The side effects is another issue, noice and contributing to global warming. Hmmmm, let God's kingdom come please.

 2 years ago 

@c hichieze.

Imagine how many years it will take for someone to travel by foot from Nigeria to Cameron?

That is stressful now, but those that lived then had no choice.

The side effects is another issue, noice and contributing to global warming. Hmmmm, let God's kingdom come please.

They are seriously working on improving the side effects. Remember too, that this dying wicked system will never be fair or good to us. Thanks for reading. Best wishes.

 2 years ago 

Thanks so much dear brother

The most lovely research is airplane, but wait how do they really cope when there was no aircraft, because someone like me I can't be on one spot for a long time

 2 years ago 

@mesola. Those that lived back then coped. I believe you would have also coped. Thank you for finding time to read my post, so for now let's enjoy the airplane. Best wishes.

Airplanes are good products of technology.
It has made transportation extremely easy despite the high cost but it's worth it.

Noise pollution

Those living near airports complain of the noise, so that's one big disadvantage.
Thanks for sharing @emjeak.

 2 years ago 

@sammylove. Thanks for reading, I appreciate.

Thanks to the Wright brothers, they really blessed humanity with this invention. Thank you for this history lesson in the invention of airplanes.

 2 years ago 
  • Emission of green house gasses
    Noise pollution
    Global warming

These are not the only negative effects it has caused. What of mass death? Many have lost their lives. I wish they can amend things on it to avoid such mass death

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