Thediarygameseason3|| i make my hair, signed up two steemians, went to meet up for 18/6/2021

in SteemAlive3 years ago

Hello steemians!!

Welcome to my blog today, I'm glad to see that everyone is doing pretty fine today in this community.

Today I'm going to share my dairy with you. It was busy yet wonderful and joyous day. I make my hair, signed up two steemians, went to meet up .



I woke up early morning by 4:00am today because I slept early last night. After communicating with my heavenly father, I read some publication online, go through my blog, answer notifications, check for contest. I did all this while still on bed.

I got up by 7:01am attain to morning chores, washed my clothes, had my breakfast and start my journey for today. Saturday is always a busy day. First, I met with Ekemini, he is a graphics designer, he such a nice hand work. He was interested on steemit, so I met him today and signed him up. His user name is @kemex.



Thereafter, I went to my sis shop at Nwaniba, Uyo she called me to get the dress she made for me, so I went, the dress was very nice on me.
During the course of our gist, I introduced her to steemit, she was interested and decided to join, I helped her make her introductory post, I also educated her on things she should know. Her user name is @nikkypeter.


Iook some photographs in her shop"


I left her place around 1:00pm to make my hair,
I spent less than 2hours to make my hair, the stylist was fast.

Fine girl

It was just a simple style

By the time I finished the hair it was already 2:30pm so I rushes out to meetup.
The meetup was really motivating, we are encouraged by @ngoenyo and @benton3. I met with new steemians from Uyo, it was amazing.
@paulyoung drew a potriat of @ngoenyi



On coming back home, i prepared oat for dinner.


I really had a busy day, yet it was wonderful really enjoyed my day.

Thank you so much for reading my post.

Here is my introductory post link


start success go! go! go!

You really had a wonderful day, keep it up with the good work of introducing Steemit to people!

Welldone really had a busy day yet you were able to achieve wat you went for....

 3 years ago 

Yes thank you so much for going through my post

 3 years ago 

Your post is really interesting. We had a nice and interesting meetup today and you contributed to that by being around.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for going through my dairy

You a good hair dresser

Wow, this is beautiful, Uyo, you people are doing well, keep it up and thank you for sharing

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