in SteemAlive3 years ago

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We are in a world filled with distractions, from our gadgets to our noisy neighbourhood, even to the thousands of thoughts running through our head.
This war of noise in our outer world and our inner world diminishes our productivity in our personal and professional lives.
Until we take ownership of our mind, we'll remain slaves to the status quo.

It all starts from our morning routines, what we do in the early hours of the beautiful mornings we have,
sets the tone for our day.

The first enemy you have to defeat is waking up early.
We've all had an experience where the alarm clock comes on, we get so upset by the noise it makes and angrily hit the snooze button, and then go back to our world of sleep.

The willpower needed to wake up at 5am in the morning is the same willpower needed to make the deal, complete the task, make the call, do the work etc.

The good thing about waking up early is that the day isn't messed up yet, it's still fresh and full of possibilities.
In the solitude of the morning hours we plan and design the blueprint of our day. It may not be perfect but this is where the law of averages comes to play.

We achieve most of what's on our blueprint designed in the early hours of the day if not all things.
It is said that goals aren't necessarily designed to be reached but are designed to give you direction, make you stretch beyond your current abilities.

Our best thinking is done when our head is relaxed and calm inside. What better time to do this than in our early mornings?
Most of our thoughts are repetitive, they are thoughts from our previous days, in essence we are reliving our previous days in our present day. This ultimately deter our productivity levels.

How do we change this cycle of repetitive thinking?
One of the many ways is waking up no later than 5am in the morning to design the blueprint of your day.
Writing down all you want to accomplish for the day.

This gives you a sense of urgency and purpose.
Take for instance you've writen down 10 things to accomplish for the day and you've nailed just 3 of the 10 things you've written down, you wouldn't want to waste much time on anything that's not on your list, why?
It's simply because that's just how it is. Writing your goals down creates a sense of pressure on yourself to deliver (positive pressure).

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It is easier said than done, waking up in the beautiful morning hours of 5am.
If this is your first time I can assure you it's going to be very hard in the beginning, very messy in the middle but super great in the end if you keep at it.
Be naive enough to wake up at 5am in the morning for 66 days and see whether the quality of your life doesn't skyrocket, if it doesn't, (of which it will) you can always revert back to your old ways. It's a free world.

Our body system can be likened to a computer.
Just as our computers run programmes, so does the human system runs programmes.
The quality of our lives depends on the programmes we've installed inside.

Most of our programmes are pre-installed from birth many of which aren't really beneficial for us.
Knowing this, it's our responsibility to reprogram ourselves for an excellent life.
This can be done by the repetitive act of forming a new habit.

It takes 66 days to install a new software (habit) in humans, it takes 90 days to form a lifestyle.
Why not go through the pain of discipline rather than the pain of regret to better our lives?
Like Brian Tracy said "Bad habits are easy to form, but hard to live with, Good are habits are hard to form, but easy to live with"

 3 years ago 

Wow @ebicruuz,

This is indeed an eye opener.It is a mind lifting and a motivation piece.Waking up early and saying our prayers helps to improve our productivity for the day.I hope many persons can read and apply these words.



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