in SteemAlive3 years ago

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Building a successful team of people is very pivotal to attaining success in all walks of life be it business, sports, church, etc.

We often hear the expression "the best team wins". You can have the best individuals, very important but it is the best teams that wins the game.

When it comes to recruiting, no one's perfect but we can become better at reading people.
In my opinion there are four factors to consider when building a team of which I'll be writing about in subsequent paragraphs.

  1. History
  2. Interest
  3. Response
  4. Results.


It's not a bad thing to check someone's qualifications for the job,.
You are the one to determine the qualification of your prospect, the values you want them to possess.
Checking their background also matters a lot, where they come from, how they live outside of workplace, family etc.
For some people the aforementioned aren't necessary, but we're talking about winning here, team building, so everything counts.
One of the benefit of checking history is knowing indebtly the person you're working with so as to understand them and know how to relate to them..


It's very important to know the stance of the person you're trying to get into your team, how passionate they are, for where there's no passion, results are likely stunted.
As humans we can fake our interest or passion so as to get what we want.
Being the leader, it's very important to know when someone is faking their interests. This doesn't happen overnight but eventually you can get really good at reading people.
One of the ways to check if someone's interested or not is by listening to their response to questions you impose on them, which is the third factor I'll be writing on in subsequent lines.

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Checking response is essential because our response speaks volumes of our philosophy.
Reason is that we only respond based on what we know.
The key here is asking questions and listening to their response for clues whether or not he/she is the right person for the job.
There are some obvious lines to pick up such as "I have to get to work how early? I have to stay at work how late? You work on Saturdays? How long is the break, just 20 minutes?"
These are called clues and I wouldn't cosent for you to go pass these clues.


Finally result is the name of the game.
With the aforementioned, it all boils down to the ultimate game changer which is "Results"

For a start, bringing someone into your enterprise, you don't ask for productivity results right away, I suggest you start from activity results.

Peter was suppose to make ten calls before weekend, comes Friday and you ask Peter "How many calls have you made?" Now Peter replies "Let me explain" and you say "No Peter, let me explain won't work in my enterprise, just give me a number from one through to ten"
Reason is, the numbers tells us the whole story.

The above illustration shows an example of an activity result.
If you have a Peter who can't give you a number by the end of the week, I think he's not the right person for job.
You might want to give him another chance but it's your discretion.

Next is productivity result. After enough activities now you have to show fruits for your labour.
Making reasonable progress in reasonable time.
Being nice is good but in business being nice without fruits won't cut it.
Now we have to show forth our produce, so as to decide who stays or goes.

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In team building, you should be upfront with what you expect from your prospects. Don't let the surprises come later, let them know what you expect from them so that they'll have a bar to reach, a reference point.
You do this because in every successful team, everybody pays the price, maybe not in equal amounts but everybody must pay.

Also in team building, learn to work with the people who deserve it, not the people who needs it, for life doesn't responds to need, life responds to seed.

Key to leadership, teach people how to deserve it, how to deserve your time, how to deserve the promise.
One of the ways to go about it is tell them "If you do this, I'll do this, if you move one step, I'll take two steps".
Use the conditional conjunction "if" as often as you can.
Remember I'm referring to team building here. Maybe in other walks of life these doesn't apply but in team building it does apply.

This is a concise explanation of four factors needed (History, Interest, Reponse, Result) in order to build a successful team of people of which there are hundreds of more factors to be considered.

What will you do starting today to be a better team builder?

Let's Steemit Together.

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