7 Days Writing Challenge day 6. Benefits of Fruits by @desiredlady.

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)
Hi, am @desiredlady, welcome to my blog, I will be sharing fruit and the parts of the body.


Fruit is part of plants that produce seed and can be eaten as food, and it tastes sweet.
Is the whole physical structures of human.
Every fruit resembles a part of your body either the shape, colour or when sliced. Any part of the body it resembles, it has something to do with that part. Here are but few examples:

1. Watermelon

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Watermelon resembles the head and the colour is red. By implication, intake of watermelon keeps you far from headache. The colour is red just as blood is. It is a blood booster.

2. Tomato

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Tomato is a red fruit vegetable that when cut transversely, has four chambers. The heart has four chambers too and there is the flow of blood in and out. The tomato is also a good blood booster.

3. Walnuts

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The walnut, when broken has the shape of a human brain. The folds on human brain is also shown on the walnut. Constant intake of walnut activates the brain to be sharp, especially by toddlers.

4. Pear (Avocado)

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Taking a close look at the avocado pear when sliced longitudinally, you will see that it looks exactly like a baby in the womb of a woman. Coincidentally, it takes nine months for avocado from blossoming to ripening. It's one of the best fruits for pregnant women. It helps in shedding pregnancy weight.

5. Carrots

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Cut a carrot into two and you will see the linings of the eyes replicated there. In take of carrot gives you advantage of good vision with the supply of vitamin A and carotene from carrot.


Next time that you want to take any fruit, ask yourself what part of the body it resembles.

Thank you for your time


Best regards


 3 years ago (edited)

It's a brilliant write up you did there. I will do exactly as you said. It is educating indeed. We need to engage in taking fruits, they are sources of good health. Thanks for the tips madam @desiredlady

 3 years ago 

The write up is very excellent . The pictures of the fruit are very very appetizing that I am salivating here. Fruit are very nutritional indeed. Of course they are the original diet God recommended for humans . I will make it a custom to take fruit every day.

 3 years ago 

Fruits are source of vitamins and minerals.
I love fruits.
Thanks for sharing

Thank you very much for sharing this information.

We have to understand that fruits intake is good for healthy growth, and also helps a lot in the development of the immune system in the body.

Thank you @desiredlady for sharing this wonderful post.

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