in SteemAlive3 years ago


I call you my perfect man because in my own little world you are perfect. Life has it way of playing tricks on me. I thought ours would be forever, i thought ours will be everlasting. The pain of losing you is what i can't bear but i have to courageously face it. You are an amazing person, you tolerated all my nonsense, overlooked my stupidity and loved me like i'm the only girl on earth.
However, a force greater than our love has separated us, but it is for good because at the end, maybe i wouldn't have married you. If the tables were turned, and thing seemed perfect i will marry you over and over again. I know that this hurts, but you may have to cry it out if you need to because the shading of tears carries a healing balm in itself and there is no shame in tears. There are times in life that we may necessarily have occasion to shed tears whether of joy or pain. Crying because of me was the last thing i wished for you, my dear one. You're such amazing person i've ever known and indeed there is no better man earth like you. I have come to the realisation now that i did not really appreciate you enough for all the special treatment and love that you showed me , though i did somehow , but not the way i should have done and i'm sorry i'm doing it with paper and ink.
Our love story was perfect, though we weren't perfect beings. I showed you all the signs. I deliberately deprived you of virtually everything, yet you loved me , that notwithstanding but ignoring all the signs. I perceive you didn't know this part, but everything i did was deliberate with intention that you will get angry and end our little love story, but you tolerated everything. You see why i called him MY PERFECT MAN?
Meeting you in Mangu was divine, i would say. I have never wished to to be any man's wife the way prayed to be yours. But i have come to understand that some wishes in life never come true, but if wishes do come true, i wish for nothing but to be with you.
Deedee love, you will be fine. Forgive your girl for this decision, but believe me it is in our best interest. When David wrote about the capable woman in the Bible, he was ironically referring to you, Deedee Mi. I pray you meet someone much better than me that will build a home with you, someone that will support you in every step of your life. Tell Precious that i'm sorry i didn't get to meet her before i left.Do feel free to talk to me about anything: your achievements, your sad days, your joy etc. I'll always be here as a pillar of support for you. As you journey in life, do not compare yourself with others, because you may become vain and bitter, just hope for the best.
Enjoy your achievements in life and keep your eyes on attaining the zenith of your career. Humble yourself always for it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Be yourself, do not feign affection nor be cynical about love for amidst all aridity and disenchantment, it is perennial as the grass. You have always taken my advice and i know you will still do so even now.
Sometimes, pains necessarily need to be felt. Defend your pain because if not, that pain will keep demanding to be felt. Cry if you have to but be gentle with yourself. From the bottom of my heart i'm sorry! I wish you all the best. May lines fall in place for you MY PERFECT MAN.

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