HEALTH: The Importance of Eating Balance Diet

in SteemAlive2 years ago

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Food is one of the basic needs of man, it is very important to eat. If not for anything else but to keep live on. Some of us eat just for eating sake not minding the fact that food has its own rules. Healthy are said to have Balance Diet, which is very important for the human system. Balance Diet is what gives the body all the nutrients that the system needs for proper growing. Let's learn about this all important aspect of food.


DEFINITION: A lay man knowledge of Balance Diet is that it contains all the six classes of food. These six classes of food is valuable to the body. The six classes of food are as follows:

  • Carbohydrate.
  • Protein.
  • Fat and oil.
  • Vitamin.
  • Mineral and
  • Water.

Let's take these classes of food one after the other, starting from the first one. While discussing, I will also list the foods that possess each of these diets.

1. Carbohydrate

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Carbohydrates are foods that gives energy to the body. However, this class of food in excess causes harm to the body. Carbohydrates include the following: Sugar, Fruits, Vegetables, starches and fibre.
Excessive intake of this class of food can lead to high sugar level in the body, it is bad because it can cause diabetes.

2. Protein

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Protein: This class of food is responsible for building the body and repairing worn out tissues. Protein foods include: Meat, chicken, turkey, clam, mussel, beans and fish. Etc.
They are very important class of food, needed for healthy living.
Excessive effects of protein: Protein when taken in excessive amount imposes burden on the kidney and the liver causing metabolic issues. In critical condition this causes heart disease or cancer.

3. Fat & Oil

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Fat and oil is another class of food, this class mostly walk together since they are closely related. Food that provides fat and oil include: Butter, Hard Margarine, Coconut and palm oil.
It gives calories and essential fats that help your body absorb fat soluble vitamins like; vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K.

4. Vitamin

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Vitamins are required by the body in different forms, these different forms of vitamin perform various tasks in the human body.
Let's discuss the 8 main types of vitamin and their work briefly.

Vitamin A: It help in the formation of healthy teeth, soft tissues, skin and mucus membrane. This vitamin is also known as Retinol because it produces the pigment in the Retina.

Vitamin B: It is key in the break down of carbohydrates and transportation of nutrients throughout the human body. It also helps the brain to run properly.

Vitamin C: (Ascorbic acid) is very important for growth, development and repairing of all the body tissues. It keeps the proper function of the immune system. It helps in the maintenance of cartilage, teeth and bones.

Vitamin D: It helps strengthen the bones, and also this vitamin can be obtained through exposure to sunshine.

Iron: Iron helps in making haemoglobin (Red blood cells which carry oxygen from the lungs to every parts of the body).

Folic acid: Folic Acid is used in the manufacturing of DNA.

Omega-3: It is used by the body for the provision of starting point for the production of hormones which regulates contraction and relaxation of the artery walls, blood clotting & inflammation.

Calcium: It helps in the regulation of normal heart rhythm, nerves function.

5. Mineral

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Mineral: This class of food like vitamin exist in multiple forms, they include; calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, salt, etc.
The following foods contain minerals; Cereals, bread, dried fruits, vegetables, milk and nuts.

6. Water

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Water is a special member in the classes of food. It is necessary for easy digestion, it also help regulate body temperature. Because we lose water while breathing, sweating and during digestion.


It is important to eat but as we do we should also eat balance diet for healthy growth and development. The body needs this balance diet and we should provide for ourselves... Eating food that contain this classes in an imbalance proportion will do harms in one way or the other, though the effect might not be rapid. Thank you.


 2 years ago 

Is well ooo. God give me money to always eat balanced diet for my health.

 2 years ago 

Balanced diet is good for a healthy living. But, attimes, we do overlook it. I wish i can work against it. Thanks for this educative post

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Thank you so much... I appreciate and will do more.

 2 years ago 

@davidalfred thank you for showing us simple way of living a healthy life by eating balance diet which includes varieties of fruits.

ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?

Yeah, please don't stop eating balance diet

Eating good food nourish the body and make you younger than your age. I really love this you article. You see that chicken is stirring at me

Yeah, but as for the chicken its free get it there.

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