HEALTH: Malaria and Mosquito, How Man Can Prevent Malaria

in SteemAlive2 years ago

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Malaria is a very serious illness that is widely spread by an organism called mosquito. This illness has affected man for years, especially in Africa. To prevent Malaria you need to get rid of mosquito in your environment. How do you do that? Don't worry this post is all you need to arm yourself against Mosquito.


Environment in a word is our surrounding, what is around us and how they relate to us.
In our physical environment we have various elements that forms man surrounding. These include:

  • Rocks
  • Bushes
  • Forest
  • Plantations
  • The sky
  • The wind

The above are some of the physical components of our environment. Any thing that happens to man only get to him through the environment. Thus, it is very important to be careful with what we allow into our environments.


Malaria is a disease that has multiple causes but the most crucial of them is the mosquito. The mosquito is familiar member of our society, a VIP I must say.
The reason why mosquito has become a familiar member in our society is that we in one way or the other welcome it into our society. But we fail to take note that mosquito is a parasite to man.


Some of us live in area where there are bushes around, dirty water dishes small spot around. If you are living in areas like this you are a very big fan of mosquito. And you are not far from Malaria which is the end product of having mosquitoes around.
To prevent Malaria follow the steps below:

  • Clear all bushes close to your home.
  • Use insecticide to spray the house.
  • Fumigate the environment at least once in a month.
  • Make sure your gutters run dry by removing blockages.
  • Sleep in mosquito nets.
    By so doing you have freed yourself from Malaria.


Mosquito disturb us from having good nights likewise when they bite us our inner system suffers the inconveniences.
Beware Malaria can kill if not treated.
Thanks for your time as usual. Give mosquito a quit notice and Malaria will free you from the chains of illness.

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 2 years ago 

Here in my environment, mosquitoes are very much. Honestly even though you clean up everywhere, your neighbor's may not. So,. mosquitoes remains the problems here. But the only thing I do to prevent myself from this dangerous parasite is by sleeping under the mosquitoes net. Thanks for telling us ways to avoid mosquitoes bite

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Quite true what you say and I agree with you some people don't know why you are clearing bushes around, even the need to do so... But you can enlighten them.

 2 years ago 

Alright dear, but this days when you do, the will say over Sabi de worry you 😂

That's true... 😆

You have said it all, clearing of Bushes will help eradicate mosquito and I can't stay a month without fumigation my house because I don't have money for hospital at all times

Prevention they say, is better than cure... Keep up the good work.

 2 years ago 

Mosquito, mosquitoes sometimes I wonder if mosquito is a wild or domestic --------- but I come to see is an insect not an animal, in 4 weeks the bite turn to malaria, hmmmm
@davidalfred you mentioned things we need to do to prevent mosquitoes that is by taking care of our environment. I appreciate those points.

Yeah... Its not easy my sister, mosquito is something else.

All good but supposed the gutter here is being blocked from other end leading to your environment thereby , give room for stagnated or undrained water . What would you do will you get it drain all on your own , for the sake of mosquito ?

Very good question... You have to enlighten your neighbors on the harm of leaving gutters blocked. Like in Uyo here we have sanitation every last Saturday of the month. This helps the whole community to come out and join hands in keeping the environment clean.

 2 years ago 

@davidalfred, i can say from a distance that maybe, you have giving mosquito quick notice. You mentioned using insecticide, myself, am allergic to insecticides. So, what should i do?

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