in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)



Good day wonderful steemians in @steemalive, happy to be making my entry today and I hope we all had an amazing Sunday today?


So, today I will making my entry base on my daily diary and all through I spent my day at the owerri steemalive meetup which I have so much anticipated and finally the day came as planned. I arrived at the venue by minutes after 11 and some persons were present there too. We had to wait for sometime before starting the meeting as some persons were delayed on the road due to traffic. And after few minutes we proceed with the meeting and below was how the meeting ensued:
@ngozi996 led the opening prayer and the Owerri city coordinator @ceendy20 welcomed everyone to the Meetup. She introduced all steemians around to @massiveharvest the CEO of Blue Amazon who told us what his business is all about and lot more.

There were total number of thirteen steemians in attendance which include
@cinnymartins (myself)

The meeting was a very interesting one as we learnt something new about steemalive and other communities and we also did not miss out on the opportunity of meeting other steemians. It was really educating.


The Owerri coordinator entreated all newbies in the house to complete their achievement post to enable them know their left from their right and also reiterated on the need to avoid plagiarism. She also spoke about the kind of posts to make in steemit and according to her, we can practically write about anything except for few communities.

Also on different ways to earn from steemit which include:

  • By posting: By making quality posts with justified alignment, one can earn from steemit.
  • By lid reporting: she made mention of different changes that ha taken place in the steemalive community and the lid reporting is not left out. About this, she made mention of the criteria to earn the daily reward from lid reporting which are: (1) Reporting at least 3 times a day (2) Commenting under the report of other members.
  • By participating in contests.
    While the lectures were still ongoing, we had refreshment.


Next, @ngozi996 talked about contests and how some communities prioritize contests more than random posts and also some important tags for contest for visibility sake. She made mention of some general tags like #steemexclusive, #steemit, which is #nigeria and she also said that consistency is the key to getting votes in communities and that rang a bell in my ear. Worthy of mention is the need to verify ourselves in communities which she reiterated and finally we had @ruthjoe, @jovita30 and @mondal share their success stories in steemit with us and that really spurred us up.


@ruthjoe told us how she made thousands of naira in her first month of joining steemit and how steemit had been the best thing that ever happened to her, she told us how she rejected some job offers because she was earning cool cash from steemit and the other testifiers followed suit and almost everyone of said wonderful things about steemit. The meeting ended with shots and everyone went about their daily activities with gladness.


Here is a picture of me and @sandratoyin during the Meetup.


Indeed alot was learnt by everyone who attended the Owerri steemalive first meetup as alot of issues were dealt with and we got to socialize with each other... Even though I was already four months into the platform, I noticed I have been missing alot and that my best wasn't good enough as a lot of effort is needed from my own angle.
The meeting was so much insightful and I was very glad I did and wouldn't wanna missed if such meetings again.

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