THE DIARY GAME(GROWN AT FIVE)@christina55 on the 2/11/2021

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

With hopes that you all are having a great day already, I'm here just to make it better I guess, lol.


Walk with me, it ain't that far. I should probably walk ahead instead, since you don't know where we are headed, lol. I plan on taking you with me, down my memory lane.... Oh! It's a bit far, am sorry, a little bit over a decade and a half. I am sure you wouldn't let me walk down alone, I have been walking down those lanes alone most part of my life, kindly do me the honour of sharing just a few steps with me. I think we are almost there already, just a few more steps and tadaaaa.....😂


It was a cold evening, I can vividly remember my five years old self playing around the room with my twin brother, my sisters were in one corner of the room talking and cracking jokes about their daily lives at school(I have three female and three male siblings, if you exclude my twin brother). They talked about their teachers and how students got punished after breaking a rule at their school, they all went to the same school. They kept going on and on and I paid lesser attention to them as the conversation kept growing. In between those conversations, the eldest of my sisters (Sister Ada) was shuffling between the room and kitchen as she was trying to make noodles for my twin bro and I. We had refused to eat the beans my mum cooked, since we were the last children of my mum, they easily let us have what we wanted. We chose noodles to beans.



The noodles had been served, so it was obvious why we weren't playing around anymore, we had another thing to concentrate our energy on(FOOD), I loved food but my twin brother just had more love for food than you can imagine, there was even a saying that my dad had created for him in pidgin language "party better pass school"😂. My siblings and I still tease him about it till today.


My siblings continued their conversation as they were so much engrossed in it for some reasons unknown to me and then it came, the goosebumps, the chill down my spine, I turned around backing my food to face them. They were singing, IT WAS THE SONG, the words that were put together to form the song. It was a sad song that caused pain and sorrow to whoever was listening to it, I was too young to understand the pain the writer must have felt while writing the song but I did, I could feel tears trickling down my cheeks,just as they are now, I could feel the pain in the song and that pain is tugging at my heart even now. I couldn't understand why I felt that much pain and pity for the characters in the song but i did feel a lot of pity for them.


I most definitely can't remember the whole song but there were lines in the song that I couldn't bring myself to forget even if I tried. The song itself talked about a woman and her children who had been attacked by robbers, the head of the gang had ordered for the girls to be raped by his members of the gang. The woman couldn't stand to watch her children in pain and the part where she shouted was what was used to form the chorus of the song "kill me, kill me, is what she said they gathered them all and killed them" I imagined the pain this mother and her children could have passed through, my thoughts were going wild at the age of five.



I'll say for sure that if my sisters were reading this, they would find it very surprising that I still have this memories that they might have forgotten, they would even find it more surprising that I had this thoughts. They didn't know and still don't know that i saw the world from another point of view and that why they thought their little sister knew nothing, I was already grown.


Yes, i was grown at five.

Special regards to :

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