in SteemAlive3 years ago

Good day my fellow esteemed and lovers of steem family. Hope we all enjoyed our weekend? Because I really did.after catching a little rest and break from work last week we are more energized for this week writing to share my thought about how we can help to make our children to always feel and see the reason to be closer to us which will in turn help them to be responsible. Because our society is increasingly degrading morally each passing day .the level in which our society is morally declining these days is at a high rate.sometimes we are in fear of what the future holds for the younger generation.we struggle to make ends meet and often we don't stay around our kids therefore we do not know some of the thing's they do when we are not around.Remember they meet with different people from different background who might have a possitive or negative influence on them. We know very well that once children leaves home we can't control what they see or look at.
The meet different types of people at school, church,mosque,and even in our neighborhood and even right under our roof we also leave them in the hands of people we don't know very much about the kind of upbringing they have, like our Nanny and maid. But how can we still help our children to be responsible even with our busy schedule?
Below are some things I found to be helpful that many successfull parents did, including please be patient and read through as it might also be very very helpful for you too.


What do I mean by start early? Put simply, start teaching from the creche . Do you know your child can actually hear right from the time it's three months as a fetus.
It can actually hear you if you talk.what am I trying to drive at it's the importance of early learning, as the child's brain is eager to take information start very early to inculcate in your child those moral values, habits and qualitues you would like him to have when he's grown.
It's not always easy though, but it helps in a great way. A very wise man once said " train up a boy according to the way he should grow and even when he grows old he will not leave it".
IT simply means to start training at an early stage. This also mean you will teach them about their private organs , because if you don't ,others might do it for you but in wrong way that might be disastrous.


Do you Know that showing affection to your children have great impact on them? Start from the day you born them,love and affection can be shown in different ways these includes hug, touch and kiss.
We should never assume that our children knows we love them. Openly tell them"I LOVE YOU" yes make them know and hear that always. Show them affection by expressions of warmth, understanding, happiness, generosity, forgiveness and when necessary ,by reasoned discipline.
Because you can only discipline one you love, make sure it comes in a mild way.

Touch is essential to growth of well being of a child as diet and exercise. Yes, when we touch our children and always assures them of our love for them they will tend to do better. Sincere expressions of affection will make them know that they are truly loved and therefore will always feel free to approach us any time and express themselves.
When you treat your kid kindly and touch them ,you win their trust and they will be willing to follow your instructions.

Such affectionate treatment's show's respect and dignity to the child.
These expressions is especially rewarding when a child feels worried, scared, insecure and depressed. Yes satisfying these needs brings physical and emotional benefits to your child.


YOU will believe me that good friends are always important and that there's more in being a good friend .how can you forge a good lasting relationship with your child?
This is very important especially during their teenage.
These are some practical ways of being good friend to them.

I:: be a good communicator.

You can never be a good friend to your child if you don't communicate regularly with them.
I remember when I was growing up we always eat dinner together as a family.during that time our parents always
asks us how the day went .and all of us we talk about our day one by one and they will listen and after give us advice about any challenge we encountered that day. So always endeavor to talk to your child each day never send them away because you're tired after work.because time is precious, give them your time and pay attention as they pour out their heart.
This will really show them that you care.


Sometimes we often have expectations of others than we have in ourselves.
We should not expect more than our child can do from them. Our children are humans just like us and that means that they can make mistakes. Now the question is what is or should be our attitude towards them when they make make mistake?
Remember you the parent also make mistakes too, and when you do , you expects to be forgiven . Recognizing these simple truth can help you to be understanding towards them when they make mistakes too. These will in turn will allow us to overlook minor mistakes that may irritate us.
These are some of the steps that will help please stay safe as you read.

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