in SteemAlive3 years ago

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There are no hindrances to purpose but there are factors that can stop you from manifesting your puurpose
The devil comes to steal and to destroy although whatever his agenda is he can't stop you from Fulfilling your purpose but he can use certain things to distract and slow you down and these things are threats or should I say an enemy to purpose.
You are responsible to guard your purpose and bring it to reality by safeguarding and protecting it from injury and loss. To do so you must understand how Satan seeks to rob you of your destiny using the factor below:

1.Mindset -Low self esteem:
Self esteem according to English dictionary means Confidence in one's own worth. Nathaniel Branden in his book titled THE POWER OF SELF ESTEEM defined self Esteem as Confidence in our ability to
think and to cope with the challenges of life. Confidence in our right to be happy,the feeling of
being worthy, deserving, entitled to
assert our needs and wants and to
enjoy the fruits of our efforts.
Now that we know the meaning of self esteem we will focus on our point which is Low Self Esteem.
Low self esteem here is lack of belief in oneself to do something,having this mentality that you are worthless and without value,that you have nothing to offer to the world because of how life treats you or depending on your situation. You thinking low of yourself is one choice you've already made and believe me if you want to give through this journey of self discovery of purpose you have to drop every doubt you have and believe that you have a great gift that is waiting for you to manifest,that you are actually a solution to alot of problems people are facing. If you don't believe in yourself and your abilities then nobody would do that for you. I won't go down writing everything here but for the start you have to reset your mindset and have this mindset that you always have a lot of things to offer.See yourself as a magnificent creature that you are and you would start be glad you did. Remember "When you discover your self worth, you lose interest in anyone who doesn't see it" ~ Conscious Conversation

2.The Society,parents,peer groups,educational system
Okayyyy....now here we go!! I guess everyone should know what I'll be writing here because nothing will probably be new,you might have read it elsewhere or heard about it so I will just remind you that that your association tells more about you. You can't possibly want to achieve something and be in a circle that their goals doesn't align with yours,you would end up being like them someday unless you make a move! Also most people tends to let their parent dictate their lives for them,they don't have the freedom to pursue their dreams because their parents probably wants them to become a medical doctor,a nurse,a lawyer,etc when actually their dreams are something totally different.Our society today would always tell us Go to school,get a well paid job,get married ,look after your family and wait till when the Lord calls you home. What a world!! If you look closely in our contemporary setting this is what most people are doing,it just keep revolving around and nobody is talking about about making a change in the world or making an impact that the world would hear about. Our educational system in Nigeria attempts to judge our potentials by their exams and when you can't pass it they label you as an average human being. Most people are still living under the exams they took many years ago,no new discovery,no value added you just keep following a particular routine for the rest of your life. All these won't help in strengthening/discovering your purpose rather it draws you backward .

3.Unforgiveness/ Lack of Love : I will be writing this subject as an excerpt of a quote I stumbled upon one day. "The purpose in which you are to live here in earth is not just all about getting wealth, status success. Those are secondary issue. Life is all about Love with God and with others. You may succeed in many areas but if you fail to learn how to love God and others,you'd missed the reason why God created you". And I add the greatest of all the commandment is love. Learn to forgive and love one another. The bible in 1corinthians chapter 13 verse 1-8 tells us more about Love.

4.Fear:Fear is dwelling on what could go wrong rather than what could go right. There is this saying that one who fear would never know what he/she could have done. Fear stops you from doing achieving what you could achieve,its eliminate greatness and brings in procrastination and resignation.
There are others things that can be an enemy to purpose but the above stated the significant ones we should take note on.

 3 years ago 

Your write-up is too jam-packed, try to break your article I'm paragraph for easy reading. However, this is a catch-up vote for your achievement post that expired.

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