Steemalive presents: "1 Week to Live" contest. How would you spend your last 7 days alive?| My plans surface here by @chizikky187(100% power up)steemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemAlive4 years ago (edited)

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Death is the most painful outcome of life. Death is a tragedy that bears undescribable pain.
The departure of someone so dear to one or a family leaves the bereaved in agony. The vacuum a deceased person fills can not be filled in by any other personnel.
The mystery of death has become unknown to many people.
Therefore, there are many misconceptions about death.
We hope that it's the only originator of life belongs the rightfulness to tell us the meaning of death.
Therefore, I quote him;

5 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they no longer have any share in what is done under the sun..... 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going. _Ecclesiates chapter 9:5,6 &10

With this concept above, I thereby defines death as the opposite of life. _the cessation of one's state of living, the act of one's active force being inactive.
If we really understand the concept of death and the originator if life, it'll help us to analyse how to spend seven days of one's time time to leave.

My last seven days to be spent

Knowing that death discontinues life and that God the almighty is the giver of life, I wouldn't joke with my last seven days. I would set the following as my quick time goal. 👇

  • Strengthen my relationship with my creator.

This is very very important because he's the only person that restore a dead person back to life.
He has given Resurrection hope to the living so for us to live again depends on him. Strengthening my relationship with him entails that I'll seek for his forgiveness and make reconciliation with him.

  • Encourage my relations

Because of the serious condition that may lead to the despair, people who love me will be in pain, they'll be disheartened.
This is the time to encourage them and tell not to cry much for me because I believe that the originator of life can restore back my life.

  • ###Give out every thing I have

My first sponsor is my parents that's why they're going to be my first beneficiary to whatever I have. Though I don't have much savings, I'll make sure I give out most of my savings to them. That's the only way I can thank them and praise God for giving me such parents.

  • Teach my younger ones

But in words and deeds, I'll try to be an exemplary in the footsteps of my younger ones.
I'll teach the implications of living an ungodly life.
The blessings that comes from living a godly life outweighs the challenges. I'll teach them to be their Creator's friend so that he will remember them when they're gone and can bring them back to life when the time comes.


The reason behind all these facts is because life is too short and no body knows tomorrow's outcome. Time and unexpected events overtakes us all.
One's departure determines his stand with God and the memory that such person will pen on people's mind.
That's why a good name is better than riches because it follows you afterward.
No one goes to the grave with his riches even if he was buried with the costliest casket, he doesn't know the value but a good name follows one to the core.
Even if people around the deceased forget that he was good, God still remembers such man till eternity and will grant him eternal life.


The best thing you have mentioned and which I am impressed of. Yes there is a need to strengthen one relationship with God most especially when one discover that he or she has just seven days to live

Have a Great Day Ahead

#twopercent #nigeria #affable

One of the best thing to do before leaving this earth is to impact the next generation with what can make their life better.
Teaching your young one is a very nice thing to do.

#twopercent #nigeria #affable

@chizikky you have said it well.
The ultimate plan you should have is to come closer to your God.

Awesome plan in anticipation of one's demise👍

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