ProWriters hub W4| Learn about Drug Abuse and how to protect yourself from it's effects. By @chiomavia

in SteemAlive2 years ago




Greetings wonderful people of steemalive, it is a pleasure to participate in this week's ProWriters contest. Well, this is my second entry and I hope you have a great time as you read through my blog today.

Inappropriate use of drugs is a very unfortunate that have taken over our youth in the society, some promising young people have destroyed their life because of their incessant use of hard drugs.
Today's article will be about Drug Abuse , it's effects and how to protect yourself from it.

What is drug Abuse

Drug is any substance which when taken into the body, has a psychological effect on the body system.
I would define drug abuse as an inappropriate use of drugs. It is the use of drugs without doctor's prescription. A drug is abused when you use more or less quantity than the required quantity to be used.
Every drug has it's function and also have a specific quantity that should be taken into the body at a given moment.
Drug that are abused are usually hard drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, heroin etc.

I have observed people abuse drugs in so many ways. When a drug is used without doctors prescription, it is drug abuse. I have seen people using drugs to enhance their performance while doing some physical activities.
I have also seen people taking overdose drugs because of the intensity of the pain they are feeling at the moment.

Reasons why drug abuse is common

There are various reasons why drugs are abused, some of these reasons include:

  • Peer pressure: Drug abuse is common because people wants to be accepted by their peers. They believe taking hard drugs will make them strong and loved by their friends. Some Adults can do anything to fit into a particular group. Peer pressure has lead most teenagers in doing lots of reckless things.

  • Unemployment: The rate of unemployment in our society today is alarming. Idleness can lead into so many evil things. Some idle people might decide to occupy his/her mind with alcohol and drugs.

  • Depression: Depressed people tends to find comfort in taking drugs, they believe taking drugs will calm their head and easy their pain.

  • Nature of job: People the do hard job always take hard drugs, because it serves as pain relief to them.

Harmful effects of drug Abuse

Drug abuse has a great effect on individuals and the society at large. Some of the harmful effects of Drug abuse include.

  1. It leads to severe body damage such as brain damage, lung cancer, hear disease etc.

  2. It may cause divorce and separate in marriages.

  3. It leads to infertility in both man and woman.

  4. It can make a very calm person to become violent and dangerous.

  5. It lead to addict: An addict can empty his/her bank account in other to buy drugs , which leads to poverty.

Ways to Eliminate drug abuse

It will not be very easy to fully eliminate drug abuse in our society, but it could be curtailed by the following suggestions:

  1. Providing employment opportunities: An idle mind is the devil's workshop. Some youths do drugs because they are idle and depressed. If they government could provide employment opportunities to the youth all over the country, it will go a long way to eliminate the use of drugs.

  2. Avoiding peer pressure: Most teenagers started using drugs because they were pressured by their friends. Parents should always advice their children to avoid friends that pressure them into doing bad things. Be your child's friend so he/she would always open up what's going on in school and among his friends.

  3. Public Awareness: Some people that take hard drugs do not really know the harmful effects of the drugs that they are taking. Creating awareness on the harmful effects of drugs will give people insight on the harm they are causing themselves. These will make them to avoid abusing drugs.

  4. Develop goals and write down your to-do list everyday: This will help you focus on your future and you won't even have time to think of drugs because your day is already planned, Doing anything out of your to-do list will hinder you from achieving the goals you set for yourself.

  5. Seek for help: It is advisable to seek for help if you find out you are addicted to taking hard drugs. Talk to people and be dedicated to stop using drugs. This way you will gradually stop the use of hard drugs.

  6. Follow the instructions of the doctor judiciously while taking your drugs.


Drug abuse has destroyed many promising youths. Please always endeavor to stay away from drugs. This will save you from alot in the future.



Drug Abuse! Drug Abuse!
This is a very serious topic and this your post has highlighted many things about it.

I agree with you that employment can help eradicate drug abuse.
You have a detailed post here @chiomavia.
Well done

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your engagement.
I appreciate.

 2 years ago 

I agree with you unemployment can cause drug abuse. Thanks for this wonderful advice.

Yes but Drugs are often abused because they can help people to feel good or happy. People who abuse drugs may also use them to help them escape from reality and to forget about their problems. Some people even use drugs to avoid going to work or school.

 2 years ago 

Are you serious. Hmmm is well ooo

Nature of job: People the do hard job always take hard drugs, because it serves as pain relief to them

most of the jobs you can not used your natural energy to work on those work, you have to take energy drink or some go far to take hard drugs to be able to work and thank you for sharing with us .

Drug abusers may also use drugs to get a high. But if you are abusing drugs, you are putting your life at risk because you could die from an overdose. If you or someone you know is abusing drugs, there are many resources available to help.

Thank for passing by

 2 years ago 

Yes,you have really defined drug in it's clear form as anything that when taken into the body has an effect either positively or negatively.

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08

Curated by @juzkid

SteemCor07 - Lifestyle Curation Team

 2 years ago 

Thank you @steemcurator08

 2 years ago 

Drug abuse no be small case oooo
Not only the individuals are punished but the image of their country is being bad

 2 years ago 

So true.

Thanks for your engagement,I really appreciate.

 2 years ago 

You're most welcome

 2 years ago (edited)

You have made some really valid points in this article. As you mentioned. peer pressure has been a major reason for so many young people got into drugs. Its really a sad situation. They want to be accepted by peers and that has been a reason for some youths that do drugs. Parents have a lot of work to do here.


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 2 years ago 

Peer pressure has done more harm than good in our society.
Indeed parents have lots of work to do to curtail peer pressure.

Thank you for rating my post.

Drug is any substance which when taken into the body, has a psychological effect on the body system.

Yes you are right and the people who are addicted to drugs are very hard to help. They need help that is individualized to their situation and addiction. Sometimes they need medication and other times they need counseling. The first step in helping someone who is addicted to drugs is admitting that you have a problem.


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Curation by: @focusnow20
For: Steemalive

 2 years ago 

Thank you @steemalive

 2 years ago 

Drugs abuse is very harmful to humans, you have done a great job explaining how to avoid drugs abuse.

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