Prowriters Hub W2: When I grow up - What happened to my childhood career dream by @chiomavia

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


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Children always have dreams of what they wishes to become in life. Career day is one of the most interesting day in primary school, where pupils are allowed to dress in their career choice. Some children purse their childhood career while others forfeit theirs for one reason or another.
In this article, I will be writing about my childhood career, and how far I have gone with it.

My childhood career.

As every other child, I had career dreams. I wanted to be a medical Laboratory scientist. I choose this career because I love the Laboratory coat medical scientist always wear, and then I believed they are also very wealthy people.

Before choosing the career, I considered being a Medical doctor. But I realized the spend a very long time in school before graduating. Because I didn't want to spend that long in school, I decided to settle for Lab scientist.

My present career.

When I got to secondary School, I was tempted to join the art class because I was very good in Government and my Government teacher was very good in teaching. He was very good at telling us stories about politics. Well, because the course I wanted to study in the university was science related, I decided to let go of my love for the subject Government.

After writing my first UTME, I was not admitted to study my first choice of course. But then I was admitted to study Science Laboratory Technology. I accepted the admission because I taught the courses were related, and I can still do direct entry to study medical Lab science.

Well, after my National diploma, i applied for direct entry into the university but unfortunately, I was not admitted. So, I continue with Higher National Diploma , and I had to choose Microbiology/biochemistry option.

I would not say I am into my childhood career now because I'm not yet a Medical Scientist.

Reasons why people change their Childhood dreams.

There are several reasons why people change their childhood career dreams. Some of the reasons include;

  1. Not meeting up with the academic performance: Children choose career because the admire people in that profession, hence they do no really know that they have to be super intelligent and hard-working to become a professional in their chosen career. Some repeatedly write UTME but because of low score, admission will be denied. When they finally have a chance to study their choice of career in higher institution, they might end up dropping out because of low grade or switching to another department.

  2. Lack of finance: In other to achieve some career in Nigeria, you must be financially stable because buying text books alone are quite expensive. A brilliant child that truely wants to achieve his/her childhood career, might still be denied admission even after passing the cut off score for that particular course because the child's parents are poor, hence do not know anybody that knows somebody that can offer their child admission. Some course are very competitive, passing exams alone does not garantee admission.

  3. Unforseen circumstances: Life is not always fair, some times our plans do not really go the way we want because of one reason or the other. Circumstances like accident, and sickness might be a reason for people to change their Childhood career. A child with bright future might get crippled or even blind as some point in life as a result of accident. Situation like this will likely scatter the person's dreams.

  4. Lack of support from friends and family: if you family do not support your chosen career, they might decide not to sponsor you while at it.

Parental role in choosing a career for their kids.

Our parents are our guardian. Their duty is to care and direct us while we make decisions about our lives. I believe all parents want to see their children succeed and doing well for themselves. I do not support Parents choosing career for their kids, rather they should guild and direct them to make the right choice. Parents should play the following role in their kids career choice;

  1. As a parent's you should know your child abilities, study your child and Know what he/she is capable of doing. If you child want to be a lawyer/ doctor, encourage him/ her to join art class / science classes.

  2. If your child is not doing so well in school, you can hire a private tutor for him or her. Some children needs extra teaching to understand things taught in school.

  3. Always encourage them to put in their best in whatever they are doing and support them financially by providing everything needed to be successful at their chosen career.

  4. Do not force your child to study a particular course, direct and guild them to make the best decision. If the choose a career you do not support, it is still your duty to sponsor your child.

What i will do if my child decide to have a different career from what I want.

As long as the career is not a wayward one, I will support my child's decision. I believe you can become wealthy from any career, as long as you have passion for the career. All I will do is to enlighten my child on the pro and cons of the decision he /she is taking.


Your childhood career dreams can come to pass if you are dedication and hard-working. Nothing is impossible in this life.

Thank you for coming through my blog.

 2 years ago 

When they finally have a chance to study their choice of career in higher institution, they might end up dropping out because of low grade or switching to another department.

This is one of the major reason, why people don't achieve their career dream, they don't meet the academic requirement to archive there career goal

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Yes dear,when we are still in our tender age we all have things we want to do but when we grow we might channel our mind in something else.

 2 years ago 

That's true dear

Thank you for your engagement on my post.

 2 years ago 

Great content. We all had childhood career dreams, some we finally pursued while some were dropped along the way due to some reasons.

 2 years ago 


It is true that a whole lot of challenges occur due to wrong career choices, therefore we should endeavour to make the right choices and not under influence or pressure

 2 years ago 


Kindly remove this picture used in this post.

All pictures from istock, shutterstock and Pinterest are tantamount to plagiarism

 2 years ago 

Okay, done.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

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