My Diary Game Season3: 07/03/2022

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


Warm greetings
I am very happy to have been a member of this community steemAlive. I want to share my diary game of how I spent my day on Monday 07|03|2022


Morning Activities

It's a Monday morning; going to school is not just an option but an objective which must be done. I woke up and got up from bed and prayed. We had morning text and I started getting ready, both myself and my siblings.

Boiled hot water, swept the surrounding, did the dishes, brushed my teeth and helped them do so and took my bath. I prepared meal and we ate and also put some for them in the launch box.

We arrived at school passed 7.a.m. and had a free pass into the devotion ground. About some 9 hours later, the time prefect rang the closing bell after stressing classes by 3:00.p.m. I went to the junior section and carried my siblings home.

Afternoon Activities

At home, my elder sis had already prepared porridge beans. The sweetest part was that before I could off my clothes, my mom came back with freshly plucked star fruits.

I dished out the food for I and my siblings after offing my clothes I sat down to install mine.

I in the kitchen

I truly love decorating foods. I had my own portion of beans and potatoes together with the star fruits. So yummy and delicious.

beans and potatoes porridge with star fruits

Fruits help in digestion and I love mixing it with what I'm eating anytime it's available. Maybe you should give it a try.
The star fruits was so many that I had to put some in my bag for school the next day as launch

Evening Activities

When I was done eating and resting small, I washed my bed spray that I soaked in water in thame morning and brushed my shoes for the week.

bed spray and shoes

To my little surprise, as I was washing, the more clothes I had to wash and they got more and more till the ropes we're filled right till the sundown.

By 50:00.p.m. I stopped washing and prepared for meetings. Midweek meeting.

Stress in an internal killer. It kills slowly and to fight it we need a quick source of energy and find time to rest, latest by 7.p.m. you should be asleep or lying down.

  • Malt and Milk

This combo works very well and gives quick energy to the body supplying the body with protein, calcium, vitamins, it helps I inducing sleep and relaxation. Moreover, it's very essential for mother's and pregnant women.


malt and Milk energy drink

When the meetings was over, I prepared the drink for my mom as she was feeling stressed. My siblings got their place. We all are and went to bed although I stayed a little longer at night before I slept off.


Happy to be with you all in this community SteemAlive. Hopping for many more happy days ahead. Thank you all for going through

Grateful To

Introduction Post

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You really had a great day @chimeroselam. The combo is always energetic and it refreshes. More wins.

Thank you bro. I hope you'll try your own combo

 2 years ago 

My dear people are saying this life no balance but I can see your own still balance @chimeroselam, at 5:pm I guess is what you want to say.

ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?

My life no balance like that oh

Excellent, thanks for the update @chimeroselam

 2 years ago 

You really had a nice day. I hope mum gave you small after preparing the combo for her.

 2 years ago 

Simple and sweet diary game. Hahahaha, you and food combo. That's very yummy anyway. Infact I feel like eating it from here. Keep steeming higher every day.

Every food na food na, we yummy 😋 Wella
We move to greater heights

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