See How I Did Acts Of Kindness Within The Week.

in SteemAlive2 years ago


God the creator made the world in such a way that humans are interdependent. He never wanted us to be lonely. God made Eve when He saw that Adam was lonely in the Garden of Eden his helper. Life will be boring without others. We need felow human beings to enjoy life. We need others to assist us when we are in need of help such as when we lack basic necessities of life, when we are sick we need fellow human beings to look after us until we regain our health, when we are in grief we need our fellow human beings to comfort us ,when we are old we need fellow human beings to care about us and when we die it is people that will come together, join hands and bury us. Therefore life is about what we can do for the other persons in their time of trouble The help we render one another is what I call act of kindness. I do act of kindness also. In this post I have written about the act of kindness I did within the week.

The Act of Kindness I Did Within the Week

I travelled to my village over the weekend to see my aged mother. I got to my house very late in the night, so I could not go round to greet my family people as we do customarily. I went straight to my house to sleep. I did not even see my mother until the next morning .

In the morning being Saturday after waking up from sleep I went to my mother's house and greeted her. After that I went to other family members and greeted them . It was as I was doing that that I was informed that the only tenant in our compound was sick and has been sick for about a month. I went to his house to greet him and see how he was. On getting there he narrated his experience. His story was pathetic. I comforted him and left to come back later.

In the evening of same Saturday I went to the sick man's house the second time with some items which includes fruits, raw food and some money. See some of gifts I gave him below.

I gave him the sum of #3000.00 but it was difficult for me to ask him to drop it on the table for pictures. Immediately I gave the money to him he tied it at the end of his wrapper.

After giving him my widows mite I prayed for him and he was happy.

#< center>Ways We Can Do Acts of Kindness
There's no special way to render act of kindness. It is rendered voluntarily. Nobody is forced to give help. It is a thing of the mind. It is given by kind people. You must be kind to do act of kindness.
We should not wait for somebody to be old or sick before we render help.We can help indegent students. We can help people carry their loads, we can set someone up in business etc Everyone should make it a habit to help a person in need Within his or her ability. If we imbibe the culture of helping one another the world will be a beautiful place to live in.


It is important that we all learn how to do act of kindness. There is blessing in giving. I fill fulfilled each timti do an act of kindness.

 2 years ago 

May God bless you richly for helping out the aged old man, old age comes with lots of challenges and you did just well by being his savior

Thank you. Glory be to God

You have tried by showing kindness. It won't have looked nice if you asked him to drop the cash on the table for memory sake.

But what you should have told him is, you guys are out to show kindness so he should take picture with him.

 2 years ago (edited)

It was very to even snap the one I posted here


Infact, you did very well, God bless you.ack of kindness is one of the ways to show love one another. Keep it up.

Thank you for your kind comment.


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