Buying Land in the South East of Nigeria Part 4: List Pendens.

in SteemAlive2 years ago


Lis Pendens

Hello everyone. How was your weekend?I have written on the above topic for sometime now. Today I want to conclude it with what in law is called "Lis Pendens". The doctrine applies to cases about land sold to third parties when the case was in Court. #
Lis Pendens is derived from two Latin words "Lis" meaning dispute and "Pendens" meaning pending. and when read together it means "a pending legal action". Therefore, Lis Pendens is official notice of a pending/existing lawsuit over title to land or claim of the interest in the land. In some jurisdictions such as the United States of America the notice is filed at the county land office while in Nigeria there is no practice . The underlying principle is that any land/real property that is the subject matter of a pending litigation cannot be sold to anybody. Therefore,any person that buys such land does so at his own risk as he bought subject to the outcome of the case.
Rationale behind the Principle
The rationale behind this principle is that the pending litigation gives the Court power to hear and decide the case and nobody can foist a situation of helplessness on the Court. If your seller loses you lose. His success or failure in court determines your fate Courts do not act in vain. it is a risk not worth taking.
Conditions for its Application
Lis Pendens applies to protect both parties. Four conditions must exist before it can apply. These are' 1. The case in court must be about land . 2. The case must be about recovery or claim to title to the land. 3. The case must have been filed in court before the sale of the land. 4. The person sued to Court must have been served with the writ/originating processes that court papers showing that a case over the land has been brought to court.
How Does it Affect a Land Buyer.
In Nigeria, there is not yet any law that compels parties disputing over title to land to register the fact of the disputes in the land registry as done in some countries. A buyer should go extra mile in his search. He should among others ask seller if there is a pending case about the land and if the answer is in the positive he should collect the court papers and give to a lawyer to study and advise him. A buyer who buys land that is the subject matter of a case in court will lose out if the case ends against the person that sold to him . <Conclusion
This is the concluding part of the discussion on the topic and I hope you found it interesting. The discussion is relevant to everyone. The steps are applicable in every part of Nigeria. I chose the topic knowing that, God willing, each and everyone one here will one day buy land. This little guide will be of help then. Thank you for reading my write up.
 2 years ago 

Am glad that your post made it to our top 4 today. Your writeup is educative. Buying of land has lead many to early grave because, they were unaware of the case behind a land they bought. @chikaeli, thanks.

 2 years ago 

Hello sir, thank you for educating us on land buying related issues. Your posts serves as eye opener to me. I have learn greatly.

Please @chikaeli, you didn't apply the necessary markdown styles in this post eg, bold center heading alignment. Please if possible, edit

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And also try to give proper source of Images I hope You have completed your achievements in newcomers community Stay blessed keep steeming

The image is from free source, am not obliged to do so. The one in my last post was my product.

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 2 years ago 

Our lawyer is talking here
I understand everything so perfectly as you have experiences of these happenings
I know you've got many cases of land brought to you

When getting a land, one must get legal documents to avoid being tricked or duped


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 2 years ago 

This always happens in most part of Nigeria, they keep on reselling lands they have sold to someone and if you ask they will say why didn't you ask questions, but I want to ask what is the solution to this problem?

 2 years ago 

great content, I have learned a lot on how to buy land and the issues involved in it.
Thanks for this great contents I really enjoyed reading it.
My regards.

 2 years ago (edited)

You you write this post briefly and i guess you also did your research before posting But please Apply markdowns properly if you have any question feel free to contact me because Markdowns will make your post attractive and readable

Good observation. I have not completed my tutorials. I have not yet been thought that aspect but I shall be grateful to be assisted by you. Thank you.

afshaan you have said nothing about the content.

There some mistakes here and as a result of that your post is not attractive so please try to work on it.

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