A five days writing challenge: Stay Healthy by taking more fruits.

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


Time to talk about fruits


Fruits are precious and delicious meal from God. Reading account on how our first parents Adam and Eve lost their paradise home on the Bible, I found out that it was only fruits that God gave them as their food. That's is to say, fruits are very good for our healthy living. In my article today, I will be talking about 3 different fruits, their native names, their season and health benefits. I will always throw more light on other things like, where I used to buy them and the cost of each currently. Knowing it too well that you will love reading this post, I have taken time to prepare it for you, read on.

Fruit 1, Pineapple locally known as (Ananas comosus)



This health edible fruits is also called Okwuru Bekee in my own dialect. It's locally found in my areas and can easily cultivate around the home. It is also a source of income to those who have the orchard Though I have not planted it before, but I have visited so many pineapple orchards and have seen how is being planted.

Pineapples bear's it's fruit year round but, March to July is the best peak of the year. That's when you will get the sweetest juice pineapples.

The health benefits:

  • Pineapples boost our immune systems and flights information.

  • Consume more of pineapples and, put a stop to cancer growth.

  • Supplies nutrients to our body.

  • After undergoing surgery, pineapple helps to boost the recovery by healing the woonds.

  • It helps in food digestion.

  • Etc.

The cost and where I normally buy pineapples


Actually, I normally buy pineapples around my street. At Ifa Atai Etoi big Junction by Oron Road Uyo Nigeria. And their prices varies. If it is peeled ones, I used to buy them with 100 or 200 Naira. But if you want to buy full one like these ones in the picture, you need about 1,500 NGN, (8 Steem).


Pineapples are of 2 types. Queen pineapples and non queen pineapples The queen pineapples are the sweetest, so when buying ask the sellers about queen pineapples before buying from them.

Fruit 2 Ava-cado pear (Alligator-pear)


Ube bekee in my dialect

Ava-cado pear or Alligator pear bears fruits all year round just like other agricultural commodities of nowadays. But it's best season of the year is January 2 March. By then, the fruits have matured very well, having a butter like form inside for human consumption.

This fruit is everywhere you go in my area. Infact you can see it in almost each house's in my area, and you can buy it very close to your house. Like the one I snapped here was at the frontage of my house. Sometimes, you don't need to go outside to buy it, but will see poeple hulking it along the street. You just call them and make your purchase.

Heath benefits of ava-cado pear and where I used to buy them.

  • This fruit has been recommended as the a nutrients dense food because it contains monounsaturated fat and Vitamins. It supplies iron, folate, potassium, copper and other useful minerals to the body.

  • Ava-cado pear protects our hearts because it contains high fat which researchers found its 60% monounsaturated fat. Which in turn helps to protect the heart and lowers cholesterol.

    I used to buy avacadoes just opposite my house. Thire is a woman that used to sell fruits opposite. I always go there to petronize her.

    Sometimes I used to buy during IFA market days it use to be cheaper that day because women do come to the market from rural areas to sell thiers. So, I buy from them too.

    The cost of avacadoes

    It's one of the fruits you can buy with less than 1 Steem. But to get a nice well oiled pear, you need from 200 NGN and above. Just with 1 Steem you will buy those big once.

    Fruit 3, Mangoes (mangifera indica)



    Mangoes or mangifera indica as it is locally called is an edible fruit. It is a specie's of flowering plants from the family of Anacardiaceae. Here in my area, the peak season of mango is May through September. Though we can always find imported mangoes around us throughout the year. A full cup of sliced mango contains 107 calories, more than 20 vitamins and minerals, 28 grams of carbohydrates and 3 gram's of fiber.

    The health benefits:

    • Rich in vitamins

    • Fresh mangoes are good for diabetic patients. Because the sugar in it is natural and have the ability to reduce diabetes.

    • It also protects our hearts.

    • Etc.

    Where to buy my mangoes/the cost

    The truth remains that I don't have a particular place. Wherever I see a fresh mangoes I went there to petronize the seller. It could be in the market, side roads seller's, or even in the street. The one I uploaded the image here, I bought some mangoes from the owner at Ifa big Junction Uyo and I was able to get the pictures there in her shop. To buy better mango now, you need 500 Mira, that's 2.3 Steem.

    Let's enjoy these ones together



    I encourage you to read more about the health benefits of those fruits, they are numerous. Apart from that, eat more of them regularly because they are good to our body.


    All the images are mine. Taking with my imfinix hot10 mobile device.


    About me


The way fruits are costing this days I have dropped to eat fruits three times a week.

 2 years ago 

Please always eat fruits, it's good for you

Ok ma'am... Am coming tomorrow to get tomorrow's fruits. Hahaha

 2 years ago 

Fruits are always alluring, it's good to be eaten.

 2 years ago 

The more I read about fruits and it's benefits in this Contest the more I become addicted to fruits, i love Avacado peer so much that when is the season i will eat enough of it.

Hi @chichieze thank you for supporting all4one project

 2 years ago 

Am glad you learn and already inlove with fruits. I know you love fruits even before now.

 2 years ago 

I love fruits but sometimes is money to buy them as the ones i like is costly.

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