The diary game: My daily baby routine and how I spent my day today. || 10% @steemalive

in SteemAlive2 years ago

Hello everyone, am @ceendy20 here is my diary for today,I hope you enjoy reading through.


As a nursing mother I get to spend 80% of my time daily in taking care of my baby, And I have become used to the things I do on a daily basis as regards taking care of my child. My child is my world and I put in so much in seeing the he is well taking care of.

Morning Routine

My baby and I wake up almost at the same time in the morning,but I get up earlier most times. So today, my baby woke up by 8:30am this morning. I went and boiled water for his bath,while that was preparing,I got his bathing set ready and the clothes he would wear after bath. I prepared these ahead of time so as not to allow him get cold immediately after bathing.



By the time I am done bathing him, I put on his diapers and his clothes,then come his hair, he has quite a full hair,so I take my time to comb it do it doesn't hurt him.

The next thing I do is to give him his drugs which is very essential for his immune system,I give it to him morning and night, that is vitamin c and babyrex for his teeth.


After giving him the drugs,I feed him and then sit him down for sometime to allow the food digest,as I go to clear us his bath set.

At this point he is ready for the day, or rather he is ready to sleep. He stays awake for sometime and then go to sleep again. When I finally put him to sleep,at this point am done with my morning routine as I go about doing other house chores. I check on him from time to time,to see if he is ok.



He sleeps till about 12-1pm ,when he wakes up, I feed him again. At this point he is all ready to play and disturb me.

I bought a colourful mat where he stays and play,till whenever he is hungry again. We take this time to do tummy time,which helps strengthen his muscles,to be able to learn to sit and crawl.

Tummy time

This where help him learn to sit, he is sitting perfectly now, currently am helping him on how to crawl and he is beginning to gain strength for that, although it might take some time, but he is a smart and strong kid,he learns fast. It is also a time he plays very well till whenever he is tired and sleeps again. Sleep time for children is very important for thier healthy development.


He sleeps and wakes up around 4-5pm and stays awake for the remaining part of the evening. I still place him on the mat and allow him play.
By 7:30 pm, I prepare him for evening bath. I bath him change his clothes and also feed him again. I take him to his Dad's room to spend sometime with him. Then by 10pm he is already sleepy, I feed him again then put him to sleep.

There are days we do more than these,days of much crying and throwing of tantrums,and also days of continuous joy and laughter. Sometimes I get really exhausted, but still love and enjoy.

So this is my baby daily routine, thanks for stopping by

Best regards

 2 years ago 

Taking care of babies and combining it with houses chores is usually exhausting, it's more than 9am-5pm job. Mothers are the only ones who can do this.

You did well is not easy to take care of babies when they are sick because you might not know where it is worrying them
@ceendy you are a good doctor

 2 years ago 

You are right, it's a full time job that only mother's can handle. Really exhausting most times but we keep doing it. Thank you @luchyl for the great comment.

 2 years ago 

Mother of the 21st century
I Twale for you ooooo, you are just too much
Your baby will crawl soonest, he's even stretching you and keep it up

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