in SteemAlive3 years ago

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Sir Isaac Newton, the name that rings the loudest bell in the ears of all physicists and scientists alike, the man who revolutionized science in the 17th century. Mankind got to where it is today because of the impact made by men like Newton. Let's take a quick peek into the life of this man upon who's laws Physics thrives up until today.


Family background: Isaac Newton, who was born on Christmas day (25th December, 1642) according to the Julian calender in England then, had a father also named Isaac Newton. His father died three months before his birth while his mother, Hannah Asyncough remarried when Newton was three. Newton was born at Woolsthorpe Manor, Lincolnshire and was taken care of by his grandma after his mother remarried.


Newton attended King's school, where he emerged the top-ranked student by constructing sundials and windmill models. He gained admission into Trinity college in June 1661. In 1664, he was granted a scholarship due to his brilliance. In August 1665, he obtained hus Bachelor's degree after which came the Great plague. In 1667, he returned to Cambridge where he was elected a fellow of Trinity, but he avoided being a priest as the rules required. He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1672. Some of his outstanding works and inventions are as follows:

  1. Discovery of gravity
  2. He propounded the three laws of motion and it states that

▪︎ An object will remain at rest or moving in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.
▪︎ When force is applied to an object, it will accelerate.
▪︎ For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

  1. He made the laws of planetary motion
  2. He built the first telescope
  3. He propounded the laws of refraction of light
  4. Other works of his can be found here


I chose Newton because of certain qualities he possess which are vital for every scientist to thrive

  1. He was a very brilliant student and emerged at the top
  2. He was very creative and it distinguished him from others
  3. He persevered in his pursuit and knew what he wanted. Perseverance in the face of failure is the key to success
  4. He was an all-rounder, an alchemist, a physicist , a mathematician, he nearly became a priest
  5. Even though he was born premature, it didn't dictate his fate in life. He knew what he was made of and used it to his advantage.
  6. He was a very humble man and it can be seen in his quote which I love so much ever since I came across it and it says:

"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants"



His name truly rings the loudest bell. An intellectual giant and a model for students. Nice write-up💯

 3 years ago 

A man with a great mindset ready to achieved great things, he is one of the man I look up to, because of his success.
Thanks for sharing.

I think that sir Newton is really a genius not only for his successes, but for his persistence in what he believed. His invention of telescope made it possible to peer at celestial bodies in the universe. Beautifully written. That in itself sparked the age of invention.

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