My Diary game. How I spent my day on 11\1\2022. Making my hair and going to the market.. 10% payout to @steemalive.

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


Good evening everyone welcome to my blog. Hope your day was great. I'm here to share with you how my day stay tuned as I unravel this segmentally.



The body of the writeup is segmented into Morning, Afternoon and Evening. Each had significant role it played to make my day a successful one.



When I woke up from sleep very late though 😴😴, In the morning we did cooperate devotion together.
After some praises, we interceded for ourselves, read the Bible and prayed.
Being that we wanted to grind dawa in order to prepare raw pap With it, I had to soak it for it to be ready before the day it will be grinded.



I did some work, before I set off to go and make my hair. After making the hair, we gisted for sometime as my sister and my mom came out when my hair was almost finished. The hair took quite a long a time than expected, even though I never wanted it to consume much of my time. We gisted for sometime outside, because the house was fleeted and needed sometime for the fleet to clear before we entered into the house.
After I finished making my hair.



I accompanied my elder sister to the market to get some foodstuffs. When we got there, adding to other things she bought, she bought materials the ingredients used for making Kunu Ngada.
When we came back from the market, I prepared yam with stew for dinner and we ate and retired for the day.



All thanks to my awesome community for reading my post.
The day was filled with rest as a result of accumulated stress. But am grateful to God for his help all through.
Till I write to you again, do have a blessed day...


Best regards!!!


Making out time to get enough rest is very necessary for our wellbeing.

Thank you for sharing how you spent your day with us..

Thank you very much.
Thank you for stopping by

You really enjoyed your day with your kind hearted mum and having them around gives us hope for the better.

The pride of a woman is her hair. Good thing.

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