My dreams for a better world

in SteemAlive2 years ago
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It has always been my dream to live in a better world a world filled with happiness and peace, a world where there is no war, no sickness, no death but what we experience is the opposite and it doesn't make me happy if I have the power I will definitely do something in other to change those situations, let's look at some of them.

Current world situation

War and insecurity:

Nigerian-Army-1 (1).pngsource

Currently the world is in a great turmoil, on daily basis we hear of different tragedies that befall mankind in general, we hear about tribal war, community war, and it takes thousands of life everyday.
The Ukraine and Russia war has taken so many lives and also left many families homeless, some families have to migrate to a foreign country just to save their lives.

Even within our surroundings we see violence to the highest tip of it, life makes no meaning to humans again.

The other day I was going to work just because of a little mistake one young guy was beating to the point of death and no body was ready to rescue him.

People are so aggressive and violent everywhere that is why I advice everyone to always use the magic words "please and am sorry" at least it can still save us from some argument that can lead us into trouble.

The insecurity in our world has made every human live in great fear, thousands of people both young and old get missing everyday and no one cares about them, it's only the family members that will cry and mourn for the person.
Unknown men come into villages or communities and they kill hundreds of both adults and young ones and nothing will be done about it, no one travels and feels relaxed now because of how dangerous our roads are, our roads are filled with people who have decided to take the life of the innocent.

Sickness and Poor health facilities.

patients (2).png

The above picture is just how our healthcare facilities look like, some are even worse, this brings back to my memory what we suffered when we were admitted in a federal government hospital, for 16 good months we suffered from lack of water, no constant electricity and no good medical equipments to work with, in some occasions the doctors will go on strike and people will be dying because there is no treatment.

No one on this earth will say he or she has never been affected by sickness of different types. As the days passes by so we see different types of sickness with different names coming and most of them has no cure some are even very difficult to get diagnosed.
Sickness like malaria and typhoid takes the life of many Africans every year and there has been no lasting solution to it.
The whole world felt the effect of COVID-19 from the year 2020 till date, it has taken lives of millions and have left thousands fatherless and motherless.
There are still more sicknesses with new names that keeps on coming out on daily basis and they affect humans negatively.

Most times people die not because of the sickness but because of poor management and poor health management.
If you go to so many healthcare facilities they do not have the needed equipment to assist those who are sick in terms of diagnosis and resuscitation.

Unemployment and Food shortages:

Unemployment has turned so many youths to beggers while some have decided to join some bad gangs and this has resulted to the increase of insecurity we are experiencing in our country.

You can imagine a graduate in economics frying akara and potatoes at one junction just to make earns meet for himself and his family.
You can also imagine a graduate in banking and finance doing hookup after so many months of searching for job this will only help in increasing the number of sexual transmitted disease and insecurity.

Is only when you work and get money you can be able to buy good food so is obvious that unemployment has a connection with food shortages.

Hunger has touched the lives of millions today, this has resulted to the sickness known as "kwashiorkor"and so many people look unhealthy and unhappy because there no good food to eat, remember a hungry man is an angry man.

Note that since decades no Human Government has been able to find a lasting solution to sickness, death, food shortages, war, because no human has the power to bring lasting solution to these world problems.Jeremiah 10:23.

Those three are the major part of the problems humans face there are still more to it which are factors leading to another problem.

Let's discuss about more problems that I wish I can solve if I have the opportunity to do that.

Broken marriages:


Today no one sees the need to obey God's law when it comes to marriage, there is increasing number of infidelity and domestic violence and this results to high number of separation and divorce.
The children are suffering because no one cares for them, there is no bound no love no care and no support.
So many married women or men who decides to stay in the marriage because of one reason or another, they always have cause of complain, their stories scare the single ones away from getting married.

Honestly if I have the power I will firstly work on the insecurity we are experiencing, I will make sure I increase the number of security men's and equip them with stronger weapons to secure our world.

Secondly I will retire those old people who have refused to create more vacancy for our youths.
Thirdly I will make sure our health facilities are well equipped for the sick, and I will also improve our agricultural system to make sure that we have more food in the land.

But the truth is that after my tenure what happens next, life might even get worse than it was before me, so the question now is will there be lasting solution to mankinds problem.

will there be a lasting solution to humans problem


There will be lasting solution to mankinds problem and very soon all mankind will enjoy peace and joy, they will enjoy life without war, sickness, hunger, death.

Remember if there is no sickness there will be no need for adequate health facilities, if there is no war and insecurity there will be no need for armed security men.

How will this happen

God himself will set up a government that will crush and put an end to all this failed human Government and this government automatically will clear up mankinds problem thereby bringing lasting peace and security.

Daniel 2:44, Isa 65:8, Psalms 37:9-11


Humans problems are numerous , we still have problems like poor education system, a government full of bribery and corruption, and many more, but very soon they all will be a thing of the past.
Thank you all for stopping by and I welcome any question you might want to ask.

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I agree with you. The problems in the world is multiplying dailyI my country the government of the day doesn't seem to have solutions to them. Problems of the world seem to be worse in Africa especially Nigeria. Sometimes I wonder if the black race is cursed.

 2 years ago 

Problems are beginning to dorminate the world especially our country Nigeria and Africa as a whole. This problems are not even putted into consideration by our leaders rather they fight for there selfish interest

 2 years ago 

Things are really going wrong all day,there is no good education,no good road,the government is corrupt and also they are engaging in all kinds of bribery act,I don't know what this county is doing.

No body do cares about what is going on at all. Real worries is this country state of corruption and bribery even insecurity is too much.

 2 years ago 

They are not cursed, but our leaders make things much worse for us that's why we need a change of Government.

 2 years ago 

This is really our main problem,bad leaders,they want everything to go into there pocket and forgetting that there are other people out there who voted,protested before they can go into that position.

How would the change come while most of the voters , would out to sell out their votes. Just for the sake of elected new leader or for sake of such change of government.

 2 years ago 

God himself will set up a government that will crush and put an end to all this failed human Government and this government automatically will clear up mankinds problem thereby bringing lasting peace and security.

I just can't wait for this time to be fulfilled as it's the only solution to mankind's problems. So far, man has dominated man to his own injury and we can be sure this won't continue forevermore

 2 years ago 

This right Government sent by God can only come to stay if me and you support it and to support it all you have to do is get your PVC and vote with God's direction

 2 years ago 

No human Government can bring lasting solution to mankinds problem, is there any human Government that can take away sickness, death, food shortages.?

 2 years ago 

Asin ehhhhhh, that's why the Bible does give satisfying answers when turned to

At your voting ground if happening you people's there get influence by money , to votes any candidate wouldn't you ?

 2 years ago 

It can never continue forever because God our creator do not like all this things we are passing through because He's love 💕

 2 years ago 

We trust him and know he'll do something about it soonest
He's our creator and knows the best for us

Very well , since is being part of his plan according to His words . It very certain to come to realization.

 2 years ago 

Until then........ can't wait

 2 years ago 

We trust him and know he'll do something about it soonest
He's our creator and knows the best for us

Yes ,right but only Him (Jehovah -I AM)will enforce it to reality far beyond human choices . And popularities .

 2 years ago 

It will be good if God send his army to come upon the world and deal with those bad people and leaders so that this world will be interesting to live for the good people.

 2 years ago 

Lol that's the war of Armageddon as rightly stated in the Bible
Jesus and his co-rulers will fight bad rulership relentlessly

 2 years ago 

God has already done his own work by creating the universe, man and every other thing. He does not need to send his armies again to deal with anybody again cos he has handed over the earth to us to dominate, subdue, uproot every evil tree, whether bad leaders, evil, crimes etc. Therefore it behooves on us rise up and take charge for He will be there to give us victory.

Yes beyond her personal dream with such power in which I never here underestimate to , realized it . Reality is scripturally God has such plan to make it possible.

 2 years ago 

That's true

 2 years ago 

Your post is really made it clear that you cares about Huma sufferings. Which evidence that God Care's more about us. I can't wait for God's kingdom which will take over this failed government.

 2 years ago 

I can't wait too my darling, let's it come.

 2 years ago 

Me too, I can't wait but God is warning all of us to amend our ways before it is too late for us

 2 years ago 

That will be very good if it happens,the good people will have to stay here on earth in the paradise and the bad people will be no more.

 2 years ago 

The above picture is just how our healthcare facilities look like, some are even worse, this brings back to my memory what we suffered when we were admitted in a federal government hospital

Our health care facilities here is worst than you think, can you believe that in University of Port Harcourt teaching hospital(UPTH) about 50 kids died in incubators because of poor electricity. We really need a better life because we are in bondage and this can be done when we come together as one

 2 years ago 

50kids !!!! Ohhhh my God innocent children, we really need a better government that will make life better.

 2 years ago 

Nawaoooooo,another death because of this rubbish country,chaii,maybe these kids would have changed this country for better but now the poor electricity and facilities has really made then akk to die.


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 2 years ago 

Wow am so happy for this curation

 2 years ago 

God himself will set up a government that will crush and put an end to all this failed human Government and this government automatically will clear up mankinds problem thereby bringing lasting peace and security.

This is indeed God's promise to those who believe and trust in Him. Although we do know the day, hour month or year this will happen but we have faith that it will surely come. He, alone created the world, and He alone will also make all things anew. So let's all wait for the joyful coming of the day of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

 2 years ago 

Out country and the world in general can never experience lasting security, peace and happiness because, our leaders are imperfect. So how on this earth will imperfection bring perfection. Ohhh, it's only a perfect king that can bring peace and change our world to best.

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My dear we really need prayers and a good government mostly in our country here because the insecurity is too much and is getting of hands.

Here you have good orientation and meaningful state of mind to see kind of world . Full of happiness free from unemployment , both inter community and national wars , sicknesses , broken marriages and all forms of insecurity and violence. Turmoil and unruly mourned. Thank you for your better world dream.

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