7 days writing challenge//Remain faithful in all things//@beautybb 27/8/21

in SteemAlive3 years ago
Still on the writing challenge,i will always be loyal to @steemalive community.

Today i want to share so reasons why we should remain faithful in whatever we are doing in life.

Satans world offers so many opportunities that might question our faithfulness, but we have the right to be determined on how to live our life,
Firstly lets defined the word faithfulness,

Faithfulness is the concept of unfailingly remaining loyal to someone or something, and putting that loyalty into consistent practice regardless of extenuating circumstancessource

Knowing the meaning of faithfulness lets see ways or aspects of our life that requires faithfulness:

Faithfullness in marriage

Sometimes in life we have dreams of the kind of man, the kind of marriage, the kind of home we wish to have, due to circumstances beyond human explanation it doesn't happen that way, those our dreams remains a dream, that is where our faithfulness becomes questionable, it takes humility to remain faithful in such situations to the end.

Faithfulness at work

Sometimes due to situations of where we work put our loyalty or faithfulness to test.

For instance, when i was working in a hospital where i was paid 2.5 SBD, there was so many opportunities to take away our patients and turn them to private patients then treat them and get a part time payment from it, it took me much determination not to do that because my pay was so poor.

In most companies fellow workmates might do things that will lead us to thinking about being unfaithful, most employers conduct can also be factor to that.

Faithfulness in business

Life has become so hard that bought buyers and sellers faithfulness is at risk, some people cheat just to make more gain in the market,because things are very costly.

Even in our daily life today if we don't pay close attention, will unknownly be unfaithful to ourselves.

The question now is:

Why faithfulness in beneficial

From personal experience,unfaithfulness in life or business or workplace leads only leads to disaster,and depression, it never benefits rather it leads to regrets of life.

When we are faithful in business,we might not make much profit, but we will gain peoples trust and build our reputation which is worth more than any amount of money we make.

When we are faithful to our marriage mate no matter the circumstances, in due time our love will win and things will change for good,and happiness will fill our heart.

If we are faithful in our work place,we will gain our employers trust and that will open more opportunities of good things in our lives.


Lets try and be faithful in all things,
Jehovah God ever looks forward to anyone who is faithful in all things and He rewards the person richly.

Thanks for reading my post.


You are right ma, it always good to b faithful in what ever we find our self doing because faithfulness and consistency makes us different.

 3 years ago 

It makes us very different,and it benefits us too

Yes ma.

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