Christmas; a season of Movement|by @barnabie |10% pay for @steemalive

in SteemAlive3 years ago
Compliments of the seasons fellow steemit members .

I've the privilege to publish once again in this community and I must say it's a pleasure.
In this post , I wish to talk about Christmas season, it's all about and the right preparations.

Photo Source:Pixabay

i surmised we all know have been told or heard rather that, Christmas season is all about waiting for our Lord Jesus's nativity (The birth of Jesus Christ) even so, for the fact that I choose to write about Christmas season is not a mistake, and I believe someone reading me might gain even if small, a new thing which I believe will add an inch to their knowledge.

What Christmas season is all about

As my headlines goes, Christmas season is all about Movement. This was revealed to us by our Parish priest in charge of **Saint Elizabeth Catholic Quasi Parish Akiama, Bonny Island Rivers State Nigeria yesterday Sunday during his sermon.
According to the priest, the movement started as far back from the days of the prophet which God revealed to them to proclaim to the people that a child will be born who shall save his people and be called Jesus.

He lingered on with his preaching that, Mary the later mother of Jesus continued with the movement to Zachariah's house and greeted Elizabeth after Angel Gabriel brought her a message. Upon hearing her greetings, the infant in her (Elizabeth) womb leaped, the child moved with joy.
Photo Source: Pixabay

The right Christmas movement in today's world

The priest at this juncture, used the opportunity to advise worshipers to make
right movement during this Christmas season. While also joining couples in holy matrimony yesterday, he directed the emphasis to youths, asking them to make a movement of bringing their love ones to the altar instead of clubbing, parties and eateries.

He said also that, whatever movement during this festive , it should be a movement to glorify God.
Photo Source:Pixabay
He concluded his sermon by praying for all those who are traveling to different places for safe trips.

I wish us all the best this Christmas can offer .


Bless you more , with love ❤️🙏

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