Death is inevitable
Life is evictable
Evil rules the heart
Deadly like assassin's dart
Power is worshipped
The good rejected
Honesty not accepted
Yet the wicked is your lordship
I asked for decades
Why the facade
Why the lies
Why the insincerity
Created by ties
Erupting to insecurity
The orphan's cries
Makes them rich
The widow's hard plies
Makes them rich
Death of the mass
Makes them stronger
Wealth unjustly amassed
Makes them happier
Yet we preach peace
Our brothers are dying
They keep lying
All in the name of peace
If we rise to fight
We are labeled terrorist
Even when we look for flight
They laugh at our cowardice
What is the way out
We keep on asking
We go to the South
We are strangers
To the north
We become infidels
Left to Roth
Cause we refuse to come together
When will we realize
They are feeding on our fear
Blinding us from our national share
But still love is the key
And peace is a must