Top Traditional Foods to Enjoy in Hunza Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan | Set 10% Benefeciary to @steemalive

in SteemAlive3 years ago

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The Hunza Valley is one of the fascinating northern regions of Pakistan, covered with snow-capped mountains and greenery. This beautiful valley is famous for its charm. The people living in this valley are very friendly and hospitable. The languages ​​they often speak are Burshaski, Waki ​​and Sheena, but they also understand the national language.
Hunza Valley is famous all over the world for the long existence of the people living in this valley. Many researchers have also worked to discover the secrets behind their longevity. Many of them believe that it is only because of their pure and healthy diet that it helps them to stay healthy and live a long life. Hunza has a lot of traditional dishes on different occasions. The food in this region is full of delicious flavors. You will feel the true taste of nature and purity in these foods. If you have ever tasted Hunza food then only you can feel the sensation of these mouth watering vessels.

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There are lots of food dishes that locals love to eat, including some traditional items that are a special trademark of this wonderful valley.

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Gu Lee which is a traditional Hunza breakfast. This is one of the delicious dishes of Hunza. That's a great job

Meat, rice, wheat, and green lentils can be compared to Haleem, but it has its own special taste because it is specially prepared from ghee. This is a very healthy dish that the locals prefer to eat.

Harisa Hunza is one of the delicious dishes. It is a great blend of meat, rice, wheat and green lentils. It can be compared to Haleem, but it has its own special taste as it is specially prepared from ghee. This is a very healthy dish that the locals prefer to eat. Harris is very easy to make and is a good source of protein. It can be eaten alone or served with bread.

Chipshoro is considered a pizza in this city. This is the bread in which the meat, onion, red pepper, tomato, coriander, onion, pepper, green pepper, plain flour, water, salt, and oiled meat are filled with beef, peas or chicken. Goes This dish is cooked in the oven at a certain temperature until it turns brown on both sides. You can also try this dish at home as it is easy to eat and easy to eat.

Shopan is a delicacy in the region. The key ingredients for this dish include lamb / goat's belly, or flour, salt, red pepper, coriander, onion, mint, water, salt and oil. The meat is usually seasoned with vinegar or lemon juice to remove the odor. It is served with rice or wheat bread.

Thanks for Reading my Artical



Nice post and I like all those foods
I wish I can learn how to prepare all of them.

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