The diary game: @alickute1 on 27/11/2020. Season 3. Unending diary game (100% Power up)steemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemAlive4 years ago (edited)

In my secondary school days, students were asked to join one group or the other, namely drammer group, Debating group, Press club, etc. I was among those who joined Press club without really understanding the sole aim and objective of the club. One faithful day, our patron came and addressed us and asked us to tell him the motto of Press club we all kept quiet and looked at him furiously after awhile he said, " Our motto is, Pen is mightier than the sword". I did not understand what he meant then. That was couple of years ago but now with the introduction of Steemit as a platform and the creation of the diary game the motto of our press club has become more clearer and comprehensive to me. Therefore join me as I present to you with the pen, my diary game of 27/11/2020.

My diary game:
I woke up very early today also by 1.05am because I was pressed to the point that I could not resist to wake up. After I have eased myself and came back to my mattress sleep disappeared from my eyes, there and there I started silent prayer after which I picked my phone to glance through my mails and whats app messages. One of the messages that drew my attention seriously was from an astrologer who made wonderful predictions about me and the things that I will be expecting to see in the next few weeks. The predictions even talked about my present financial problems and the cause of the problems and remedy to them.

Also revealed were confidential issues which you can only shape your mouth before you talk about them or pronounce them.

However, what created doubt in me to asked whether these predictions were fake or scam is that the same person who saw that I have serious financial problems still made u- turn to demand for payment of some little cash from me before he can assist me to fight against the obstacles on my way. The pertinent question that I asked is, where will I get the money from since she has already seen from the spirit world that I have serious financial problems presently. Are these predictions true or false even though its touches on my present predicaments or fraud and scam and has anybody witnessed the same thing? I leave the question to the general for a good answer.

I read through my mails till 5.00 am and I started to reply till 5.40am then I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and mouth, and to bath before I went back to the room and wear my cloths and went to my office by 6.45am to keep to the appointment I gave to somebody yesterday. After I attended to the person and wanted to look at my phone again I was caught up by sleep and I started sleeping till I had somebody bang at my door. When I woke up and opened the door it was my cleaner. She came late because I told her yesterday that I may attend Lawyers meeting at Ukwa Bar Obehie today if I confirm that others will go to the meeting. As soon as she settled down in the office I left to the office of our colleague I gave court of appeal records and judgment to look at and advised me whether to go to Supreme Court or not
and collected those documents from his office at tenant road Aba.

Also from there I proceeded to our office at Asa road Aba where I went to search for the file of those documents I collected from him. Fortunately, for me I saw the files there. More so, from there I proceeded to 2h pound road Aba to see my friend and to drop one the documents which he requested from me as a guide to the processes he is about to file in the court. I stayed there for about 40minutes before I left to my office. As am on my way to the office through court road Aba I saw Miss Favour who introduced Steemit to me in her office with @focusnow. I went there to exchange greetings, and sat down for awhile and discussed some issues with them. At the end of our discussions I took the pictures below with them.

![IMG_20201127_141010_1.jpg](UPLOAD FAILED)

After awhile I went back to my office and there was light. Immediately I plugged my laptop on the socket and switched on the light to charge it. Below is the picture of the laptop I plugged on the socket to charge the battery.


Afterward, because of much stress I went to my inner chambers spread my mat and stretched myself on it. Shortly, after a while thunder struck and it started to rain heavily hence I relaxed on the mat and with the heavy rain and cold weather, I switched off my ceiling fan and slept off.

My cleaner went home immediately it was 5.25pm because of the rain and as soon as it was 6.15 pm I packed my documents and closed for the day.

With my Pen I was able to put down my diary game on the paper for your information and reactions. With my Pen today I can generate money from my diary game. I can as well instigate war and kill many people with my pen. I can do all manner of good or bad things with my pen hence our Press club motto; "Pen is mightier than sword". I appreciate you all for making out time to read my diary game.


Thank you @alickute for sharing your diary game with really had a nice day, Weldon sir.
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#onepercent #nigeria

 4 years ago 

I agree with sir, the pen is more powerful, I enjoy writing on this platform too.

 4 years ago 

You had a great day from tmyour write up sir @alickute1, great ine sharing your diary with us.

#twopercent #nigeria

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