THE DIARY GAME: 23/11/2020 @ alickute1 Unending diary game season 3 ( Set out @ 100 Percent)

in SteemAlive4 years ago (edited)

It was not a bright day for me. It all started early in the morning at 230am when I woke up and had my quiet time and brief prayer. Thereafter I pick my phone to open my steemit site, I didn't know that I logged out of the site without knowing it. I tried everything possible to get to my profile to no avail. Hence I became frustrated and could not sleep while others were enjoying their sleep.

However, I thought about too many things viz, the cases I had at Osisioma Ngwa High Court of Abia State, the means to open my site to enable me start to write since for the past two weeks or more I have not posted any diary game. and how to improve other businesses I do to maximise profits.

I was on this thinking adventure till it was 5am when I arose from my mattress and rushed to the bathing room to brush my mouth, and clean up my body and prepare to go to court.

Suddenly, I remembered to call the founder of steemit in the person of Charles Okeke on phone that early morning to direct me on what to do. Immediately my call rang he picked it, and we exchanged pleasantries before I laid my complaint to him. He responded and asked me to come to the office for him to assist me. I promised him that I will do so as soon as I came back from the court expecting that the day will bright to me.

Thereafter our discussions, I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and cleaned up my body and to my room dressed up and carry my court bag to my office to wait for my cleaner in the office to come before I proceed to court. Before I got to my office I called my cleaner on phone and told her to come before 8am before I left the office. I was in the office when she arrived at 7.45am before I left to the court.

However, as I was about to zoom of with the tricycle automobile I hired to Abayi, I saw my client trying to board another automobile, I called him to join us and he came both of us moved together to the court. The driver was not on top of his speedometer but was moving gently and smoothly till we got to our destination being the court premises. We weren't late at all rather on getting to the court hall I saw the cause list on the table, and collected it as I glanced at it, the cases I went for was listed as numbers 9 and 13 respectively.

The court did not start exactly by 9am but 10.45am. The most ugly experience that happened was that after wasting the whole time in the court hall got ready for the cases to go on both my client, and other lawyers in the cases said that the were not ready for the case to go on, and appealed to the court for an adjournment off record and the judge obliged us and the cases were adjourned to 20/1/2021.

However, while we were in the court I snapped the pictures below to show that it was true we went to court.




As soon as it was done to me that the cases will not go on I was displeased and weak because the day was gone, and by the time we came back by 1.15pm and I went to my office for other things I was tired and was unable to do anything .Consequently I closed earlier, and went home to stay and chat with my kids. That was my diary game on 23/11/2020.

 4 years ago 

We are really sorry about everything that happened. Sometimes, things do.not.go as planned. So we have to expect the worst anytime. But I am happy that you were able to resolve the login issue. Keep on doing your best sir. @alickute1

This post has been rewarded by @focusnow from @steemcurator04 Account with support from the Steem Community Curation Project."

Keep posting good content and follow @steemitblog for more updates. Keep following all the rules in the Diary Game, as well as improving your Diary post content to get more attention. Thank you, Steemit Team!

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