The dairy game 4/11/21; My missions trip to Niger Delta university Amassoma bayelsa state by @alexanderpeace

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

Greetings beautiful people. I trust ur day was great. Mine was long and good and am glad to share it with us once again. Welcome to my blood g on my diary game. This is how it all played out.



My day started early enough. I was actually awake around 12am to 1am for my usual mid night prayers. I slept back around 2am and woke up again by 5.43am. I was supposed to be up by 4am but my alarm clock didn't wake me up. When I realized it, it was already to six am. I got up and started preparing for My trip to Bayelsa state.

I had my bath, packed up my bag. The bag was quite big as you can see in the picture.

In the bus to Elele

my travel bag

It contains the stuffs I'd be needing for some days and coupled with the fact that I was hearing of a week lock down in the East, hence it may even be that we won't be able to go back hence I had to take extra clothes with me which contributed to the quantity of clothes in the bag. I left the house around some minutes to 7am. I stood for over twenty minutes on the road in a bid to get a bus going to Elelel which I finally did. We began the journey but it was quiet stressfully but I was able to get to Elelel. From there I took a bike to small Elele. When I got there, I boarded another bus to Bayelsa state. Was a journey of over three hours coupled with the bad road. Was glad zi arrived before noon.


When I got to the school, I had to locate the missions team, that is the persons who came around for the missions trip. Some persons where already in the school the previous day. I saw them and see rubbed minds on how the meeting is going to hold. The school was quiet busy and lectures were ongoing in the different classes. We took quite sometime walking round the school and making enquires on when lectures will end all in a bid to get a suitable place and time for the meeting to hold.

in the class

Lectures were holding in most of the classes hence we had to wait out the lecture. The picture above is an example of a class we were waiting for to talk to the students. As you can see, there's a lecture on going in the class. We were finally able to get some classes to talk in and by the. The afternoon was already far spent.


during the meeting

We waited out the day till evening when the lectures were rounding up. The meeting began around 4pm. As you can see in the Picture, one of my colleagues was already talking to the students seated in the class. We continued the meeting till around 6pm and some other students came to join us. It was a glorious one and I thank God for showing us mercy because initially, it was looking like the meeting won't hold but finally it was successful. We look forward to another successful meeting tomorrow.

After the meeting we retired and here I am resting in the guest room where we are to sleep for the night. Am lodging with some of my colleagues. They went out to buy us dinner while I reclined on the bed to tell us how my day went. I'll simply take my bath after one, eat and return to bed.

That was how my day went and am grateful for God's help. I do hope tomorrow is better. Thank you for visiting my blog. I do hope to see you breeze by again. I hope you enjoyed my diary game.


 3 years ago 

Hi @alexanderpeace

Mission trips are always stressful but for me i have come to realize that the joy of a mission trip is indeed in the stress.

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