"Fruits of the Season - Check out the health benefits of these fruits" || contest by @alexanderpeace

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

Greetings beautiful people of steemalive community. It's my joy to participate in another beautiful contest in this community.


Today we are looking at fruits of the season. Am going to be sharing with us some fruits by indicating;
•The name of the fruit and clear image of the fruit
• A selfie of me enjoying the fruit.
• Nutritional information and healthy benefits of the fruits.

Having said that, these are the fruits am reviewing today;

• Water melon
• Apple
• Coconut
• Pawpaw
• Cucumber
• Banana
• Pineapple
• Carrot
• Berry
• Orange
• Garden eggs
• Dates

I'll take the review one after the other. Let's proceed

Fruit 1

The name of the fruit is watermelon.

A selfie of me enjoying the fruit.

Nutritional information and health benefits of watermelon:

Water melon just like the name implies contains over 89% of water hence one of it's health benefits is that it helps the body to keep hydrated especially during sunny seasons. Water melon is sweet and contains antioxidants which eliminates free radicals from the body. Water melon contains fibre which aids movement of the bowels. It also contains vitamins and minerals such as vit C, A, magnesium, calcium, potassium which are good for the skin, the eyes, and also helps to reduce blood pressure.

Fruit 2

The name of the fruit is Apple.

Selfie of me enjoying my apple

Nutritional information and Health benefits of Apples.

Apples are very healthy fruits and are packed with essential nutrients which are beneficial to health.
Apples are nutritious and contains vit C, vit K, fibre and potassium. The fibre contents of apples are on the skin hence its advisable to eat the apples plus the skin. This fibre prevents constipation. Apple is good tool for weight loss because of its water and fibre contents. Vit C in apples prevents scurvy and mouth sores. Apples are helpful in reducing risk to heart diseases and diabetes. It's also good for bone health.

Fruit 3

The Name of the fruit is Coconut.

Selfie of me enjoying my coconut

Nutritional information and Health benefits of coconut.

Coconut too contains fibre which aids digestion. It's packed with iron and minerals such as zinc, selenium, manganese, copper etc. The fat in coconut help protect the heart but coconut oil should not be taken in excess.
Coconut flour is good for those eating diets free from gluten. The manganese in coconut is good for bone health. The iron and copper helps information of red blood cells. Coconut are good in reducing blood sugar level because it contains amino acids. They are good antioxidants and fights cell oxidation.

Fruit 4

The Name of the fruit is Pawpaw

Selfie of me enjoying my pawpaw

Nutritional information and Health benefits of pawpaw.

Pawpaw is a delicious fruit mostly yellow in colour. It contains antioxidants and vitamins A, E, and C. Antioxidants as we see fight oxidation in cells and reduce heart diseases risks. Pawpaw contains chymopapain and papain which breakdown protein hence aids digestion. Since pawpaw contains vit C, it helps the immune system. It also contains vit A which is good for the eyes. They can serves as pain relief.

Fruit 5

The Name of the fruit is cucumber

Selfie of me enjoying my cucumber

Nutritional information and Health benefits of cucumber

Cucumbers are greenish in colour and are not sweet to taste but they are very nutritious and contains antioxidants. They mostly contain water which aids hydration and also contains fiber which are soluble. They can be effective in weight loss therapy. Cucumbers contain protein, vit K and C, fibre, magnesium, manganese and potassium. It's fibre contents is in the skin hence should be consumed with the skin. Research on cucumber skin shows that it's useful in reducing blood sugar and may prevent diabetes and complications which could be associated with it.
Cucumbers are cheap and readily available hence should be regularly added to our diet.

Fruit 6

The Name of the fruit is banana.

Selfie of me enjoying my banana

Nutritional information and Health benefits of banana

Bananas are delicious and very sweet fruits which are packed with essential nutrients. Bananas do not contain fats and are rich source of fibre, vit C, B and potassium. Natural sugars are contained in bananas hence they are good source of energy. Bananas are good for children and adults who engage in strenuous activities. Their fibre contents aids digestion hence prevents constipation thereby improving bowel movement. The fibre in bananas aids weight loss and attacks issues that concern the intestines. The potassium content in bananas helps to reduce blood pressure and improve heart health. Vit C and manganese is good for skin protection and body cell building.

Fruit 7

The name of the fruit is Pineapple.

Selfie of me enjoying my pineapple

Nutritional information and Health benefits of pineapple

Pineapples are very delicious sweet fruits which are full of nutrients and many health benefits. They contain vit A, K, calcium, zinc in small amounts but it's major nutrients are iron, potassium, folate, naicin and protein. Pineapples are rich in vitamin C and manganese which helps in iron absorption in the body, builds our immunity to diseases, increase cell growth and the antioxidants fight oxidation process that may occurs in cells due to presence of free radicals. It aids digestion, decreases cancer risk, and relieves inflammation of the joints.

Fruit 8

The Name of the fruit is carrot

Selfie of me enjoying my carrot

Nutritional information and Health benefits of carrots

Carrots are crunchy in the mouth and are highly nutritious. They minerals they contain includes fibre, vit K, A, beta carotene and they also contain antioxidants. They can be used in weight loss therapy because of their fibre content and it's vitamin A content is good for the eyes. The carotene contents which are antioxidants reduces cancer risk, the carotene is also responsible for the colour of carrots. The vitamin K contained in carrots is good for bone development and potassium reduces blood pressure. The antioxidants that fights free radicals improves the immune system hence fighting other ailments that may encroach into the body.

Fruit 9

The Name of the fruit is Berry

Selfie of me enjoying my Berry

Nutritional information and Health benefits of Berry.

Berry is a very healthy fruit. It's nutless, sumptuous to taste and very nutritious. They are good source of antioxidants which we already know that they fight free redicals in the body hence prevent the damage to body cells. They are ample source of fiber which aids digestion and bowel movement. They are low in calories hence can serve for use in weight loss management and it also reduces appetite. It contains vit C, copper, folates, etc. They reduce cholesterol level and hence reduce heart diseases risks.
Berries have anti-aging abilities as they help slow down the wrinkling of the skin. It's collagen contents help to maintain skin structure.

Fruit 10

The name of the fruit is orange

Selfie of me enjoying my orange

Nutritional information and Health benefits of Orange.

Orange contains simple sugars which answers for it's sweet taste. it contains cabs, fiber, water, vit C, antioxidants and minerals such as thiamine and potassium. The fibre aids digestion and bowel movement hence prevents constipation. It citric acid content prevents kidney stones. The carbs makes for energy production. They are tasty and very nutritious and a healthy dirt to be included in our food. it's enormous amount of vitamin C prevents scurvy and moth sores and is good for general body and cell building.

Fruit 11

The name of the fruit is Garden egg


Selfie of me enjoying my garden eggs


Nutritional information and Health benefits of garden eggs.

Garden eggs are very beneficial to health because it deters the growth of tumor and slows down Cancer cell spreading. They contain vitamin A which improves eye sight. They contain antioxidants, vit B, vit k, protein, iron, phosphorus and all Essential nutrients. Garden egg is good for pregnant women because it's packed with vitamins and minerals which pregnant women needs daily. They are known as bulking agents hence helps in weight loss.

Fruit 12

The name of the fruit is dates

Selfie of me enjoying my dates

Nutritional information and Health benefits of dates.

Dates contains protein, carbohydrate, fiber, vit A, vit B, copper, manganese, potassium, calories and antioxidants. Dates contains antioxidants which fight free radicals causing oxidation stress in the cell. Consuming dates suppresses Alzheimer's disease and reduces the formation of brain plaque. Dates have natural sugars hence a good source of energy. Fibre contents of dates enhances good digestion and bowel movement. Dates are good for the heart and regulates blood sugar. Dates are nutritious and can serve as natural sweetener.


From these reviews we see that almost every fruit contains antioxidants and it's importance cannot be over emphasized as we've seen already. Fruits are very nutritious and they are readily available and are very good for the body. Hence everyone should make fruits part of their essential daily diets to maintain good health and prevent unnecessary sicknesses that attacks our body. They next time you are thinking of a healthy snack to eat, think of snacking on fruits as they can serve as snacks and are good for the body.

Woooow. We are going to be drawing the curtain here. It's been along ride down the fruits review lane. I hope you had fun reading through and you've learnt alot. More over I hope you've decided to make eating fruits part of your diet for healthy living.
Thank you once more for visiting my blog. Your comments are welcomed.

Special regards


Dear @alexanderpeace , you have shared a very informative post. Fruits are very important nutrients and essential for better health. Thanks for sharing such a good post.

 3 years ago 

Thank you and for visiting my blog too.

 3 years ago 

Mama the mama…. You really tried oh… it is your berry fruits for me. I love them so much. It just baffles me how it has a very tiny seed like mustard… nice entry

 3 years ago 

I love berry like mad. That fruit is just awesome buy expensive.

Thanks for dropping by. We steem on.

 3 years ago 

Very expensive I must add

 3 years ago 

It's over 5 steem at #290 naira Nigerian currency. That's why I eat it once in a while.

Berry is like 1k here in owerri very expensive, thank you for sharing with us. I wish i was there to enjoy with you.

 3 years ago 

It's actually 1500 now. It's quite expensive.

Thank you for visiting my blog

 3 years ago 

@alexanderpeace please I need some berries, only you cannot finish everything, can I have some to water down my throat? The vitamins contained in fruits are too numerous. Thanks for sharing.

I Love bananas too, I used to make banana ice cream 🍦 with it, I eat it with all kinds of rice and with groundnuts too. It pleases my sweet tooth 🦷. You're so detailed in your write up, Thank you for sharing with us!

 3 years ago 

Thanks for visiting my blog dear. I prefer to use banana for smoothie with apples and milk. The taste is out of this world. Try it out someday.

Wow, thank you so much for this amazing suggestion, I will try it out dear. I like attempting new things

 3 years ago 

Hello dear @alexenderpeace,you've really done a good job baby girl and am happy to read your entry on this contest.. You're actually right when you said that carrots are rich in antioxidants and they help in fighting cancer. I also love carrot because I make oil from it which I use on my hair. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us

 3 years ago 

Yes dear. They are and I love the fact that they serve as garnishing for food adding colour to the food.

Thank you for dropping by. Success with the contest

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