SteemAlive Presents: ProWritersHub (W5) - How these 3 inventions changed our lives forever (Electricity, Camera, The Internet) by @afshaan

in SteemAlive2 years ago


Hello everyone again I'm here to participate in the "ProWritersHub (W5)" and the topic is "How these 3 inventions changed our lives forever (Electricity, Camera, The Internet)" lets start my 1st post.


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Electricity is one of the most important things in our daily lives. It is what makes things work and it can help people perform many tasks in a day. You might use electricity to power your car, watch TV, or even to cook dinner. Electricity is a form of energy that is carried by an electric current. This electric current can be found in wires or it can be created by a battery.

A camera is a device that takes pictures, video, or both. The word "camera" comes from the Latin word "camera" which means "room". Cameras can be made of plastic, metal, or glass. They usually have a lens, which is usually the largest part of the camera. The lens is used to focus light onto a light-sensitive surface, called the image sensor.


The internet is a vast network of computers that connect computers all over the world. It is mostly used to share information and resources with the world. The internet was originally created to transfer information between different military bases. However, it is now used for everything from shopping to chatting with friends.

Describe what life was like before the following inventions?

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Life before the invention of electricity was not easy. There were no lights or anything like that, so there was no way to see in the dark. People would have to light a fire or use candles to light up their house. Many people would be able to see in the dark with the help of a lantern, but not everyone could afford one.

If you did not have a lantern, then you would have to use your imagination. People would have to keep their doors open during the day and keep them closed at night because there was no way to lock them. People also had to worry about animals coming into their house and causing damage, so they had to make sure they had a dog or some other type of animal that could protect their home.


Before the invention of the camera, people depended on their memories to capture memories. They would use a still camera or a camera with a long exposure time to take pictures of moments that they wanted to remember.

People would also use a camera to take images of their surroundings and document their experiences. Cameras are now used in nearly every part of our lives and have become an essential tool for capturing memories and documenting our experiences.


What life was like before the invention of the internet? It was a lot simpler, more like before the invention of electricity. People would have to find out information on where they could find a job, what they could do, or how to do things by asking people. They would also have to go to the library or the local town hall to find out what was going on in their town.

One of the most important things that would have been difficult without the internet is searching for information about diseases or asking for help if you needed it. Without the internet, people would not be able to search for information about anything easily and quickly.

How did three of them changed our lives?

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Electricity has had a huge impact on our lives, from the first lightbulb to today's modern technology. It has been so important that it has even been considered a human right by the United Nations.

One of the first things that electricity made possible was running water and refrigerators, which helped make food more accessible and safe. Electricity also improved communication and transportation, and helped us see the world.


The camera has changed our lives in so many ways. It has become a part of our daily life, we rely on it for many things and it has even saved lives. Cameras have changed the way we live and how we see the world.

When the camera first came out, it was mainly used for photography. Nowadays, cameras are used for all sorts of purposes from surveillance to recording important events. The camera has become a huge part of our society and will continue to change our lives for years to come.


The internet has changed the way we live. It has made it easier for us to find information, work, and connect with other people. The internet has made our lives more convenient and easy.

There are many different ways the internet has changed our lives, but one of the most significant changes is how easy it is to make money online. The internet has opened up opportunities for people to make money and grow their businesses, and has allowed people to take control of their own lives.

What negative things came as a result of following inventions?

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Electricity is an important part of modern life, but there are some negative impacts that it has on human lives. One of the most notable impacts is the fact that powerlines are a big source of electrocution. Electrocution happens when a person touches an electrical wire and the electricity travels through their body.

Another impact is that powerlines cause electromagnetic interference which can interfere with electronic devices such as microwaves and televisions. This can lead to problems with the device's functionality and even cause malfunctions or damage.


The camera has been a part of modern society for the past few decades and it has now become a vital tool in many people's lives. However, many people have become more and more dependent on these cameras to document their lives.

In some cases, people are so dependent on cameras that they forget to live in the moment. Many people are so distracted by their cameras that they forget to enjoy life around them. The camera is a tool that can be used for good or bad, but it is up to you to decide how you want to use it..


The internet has been a blessing for so many people, but there are also some negative impacts of the internet. One of the most common negative impacts is the fact that it can be addicting. The internet has made it easier to stay connected with friends and family, but it also makes it easier to stay connected with negative people who can cause harm. It is important to find balance between using the internet and staying away from negative people.

What improvements have happened over the years to following inventions?

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Electricity has been around for a long time, but there have been many improvements and changes over the years. One big change that has happened is the invention of electricity. It has been said that electricity was first discovered in the year 1821. However, it wasn't until the 1800s that people began to use it for practical purposes such as lighting and power.

There have also been many developments in the electrical industry. One big improvement is that we now have a lot more options when it comes to electrical outlets. Before there were only two types of outlets but now there are many different types of outlets and plugs, which makes life a lot easier.


Cameras have been around for a long time, but it wasn't until the 20th century that they became common in every home. The invention of the camera was a big step forward in creating a new world of photography. From the time cameras were invented until the late 1800s, photography was considered to be a hobby for rich people. It was not until the 20th century that photography became more accessible and affordable.


In the past, there was no internet. Now, in 2018, the internet is everywhere. Inventions that have changed the world include the internet, email, and social media. The internet has changed the way we communicate with each other and how we do business. With email, you can send and receive messages with anyone in the world. Social media has created new opportunities for people to connect with others and share their thoughts.


Dear friends I tried my best to explain the Internet, Electricity and Camera briefly. I hope you have learned something new from my post, I'll be there with the next post till then take care, goodbye.

Have a Nice Day

 2 years ago 

You are one in a million, look at the way you took time to explain everything in am orderly manner.Your posts never get twisted
Electricity, camera and internet has added much more impact in our lives

Thank you so much @precious123 foe your precious comment 😃 yes you are right no one can deny the Value of the Internet, electricity and camera

 2 years ago 

Exactly, you know when I sit back and imagine how life was like back in the olden times, I just shake my head and thank God I wasn't born in that era
I for no fit cope ooo

You just imagine how people can survive without electricity its mean not internet no tube light and many other things

 2 years ago 

electricity, internet and camera has really impacted in our lifes especially the internet that has helped us make money while at home

 2 years ago 

The invention of camera, electricity and internet changed the world. Initially, those who lived in those era prior to the inventions lived in darkness. But, the truth remains that, the more internet knowledge increases, the more crime also increases.

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 2 years ago 

Yes,that's true ma the people that lived before the invention really lived in darkness and as long as the internet knowledge so internet crime will keep on increasing

Yeah no doubt Cyber crimes are increasing dy by day while increasing technology knowledge and inventions

Electricity also improved communication and transportation, and helped us see the world.

Agree with out. Electricity play big role in each one life.

Not possible to imagine a world with out this. But in past all live with out this,but now we cont live with out it.

Nice explanation from you. Take care.

Thank you so much sir

 2 years ago 

Electricity has really improved our standard of living and it is almost impossible for us to live without it

 2 years ago 

The invention of camera, internet and electricity has really improved lifes. With the internet we can now do so many things like make money while at home just the way we do in steemit. With the help of electricity we can now see in the dark

The invention of the internet, camera and electricity has really improved the human living in the last century. It has allowed people to share information and ideas with others from anywhere in the world. This advancement has really helped make the world a more connected place.

Technology has done a lot for we humans. I wonder how we would have still be coping without technology if it never came into existence.
Nice post, keep it up 🤝

 2 years ago 

wow this is really helpful and I have learnt a lot from what you said electricity is really good and also has help in many ways which you had mentioned earlier i really love reading you post keep it up

Thanks a lot for your support and love yeah you are right electricity is becomes the basic need of our lives

We have supported this post. Keep on making great content in our community. Always check @steemalive for community updates. Thank you being an active member.

Thank you so much for your support and love Fan of your community

 2 years ago 

Great post,
Internet has really changed a lot of things, it has made communication and doing business a lot easier. So many social media platforms, including steemit was created due to the invention of the internet.

We no longer have to spend hours at a time on long and tiring trips just to find out what our favorite celebrity is up to or the latest news. It is now possible to get all the information we need at our fingertips and it is just a matter of seconds to get it.

Internet of a thing and web surfing has really add so much to human life , and gained of knowledge.

Electricity is very crucial to human daily endeavour , making life living in very worth going through each tasks with ease .

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