SteemAlive Presents: ProWritersHub (W5) - Bribery and corruption || @afshaan

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


Hi friends its me Afshaan and I'm here to participate in the "ProWritersHub (W5)" and the topic is "Bribery and corruption" so let's start my 2nd post


What is bribery and corruption. Why is it common?

Bribing and corruption are two words that, when put together, sound like they should be the same thing. However, these words have different meanings. Bribing is an act of giving someone money in order to influence their behavior or get them to do something for you. Corruption is when a government or any official accepts gifts or favors in exchange for making decisions that benefit the person giving the gift or favour.

Explain how bribery and corruption happens in your city, state or country.


In My country, bribe and corruption are part of the system. There is a culture where most people think it is okay to offer bribes to get what they want. This culture stems from a lack of transparency in the system and the political chaos that has led to a lot of corruption. The government has been trying to change this culture by making it illegal to bribe and by increasing transparency in the system.

Why is it wrong for public office holders to get involved in bribery and corruption?


The common practice of bribery and corruption in China has been around for centuries. In the past, public office holders were given gifts and favors in order to gain their support for a certain idea or person. The problem with this is that it creates a system of favors that can be abused by those in power.

A corrupt public office holder could give their support to someone who has the ability to provide them with favors in return. This system of favors is also very difficult to police because it's hard to prove when people are receiving bribes. To combat this issue, the government has begun to implement a public disclosure system which allows the public to report cases of bribery and corruption. This system has helped to reduce the amount of corruption cases in China.

What should be done to public office holders that get involved in bribery and corruption?


In my city the recent corruption scandals in the public office holders have led to many questions about what should be done to those involved. There are many different opinions on what should be done with these individuals, but there is a general consensus that they should be punished.

Some think that they should be imprisoned and others think that they should be fired. It is important to note that this is a very difficult decision to make because it can lead to the creation of a slippery slope where any and all bribery and corruption will be accepted.

It is well known that public office holders often get involved in bribery and corruption. However, it is not always easy to figure out what should be done to these people. It is important that they are held accountable for their crimes. One way to hold them accountable is to make it difficult for them to get public office again. Another way to hold them accountable is to use their crimes as a lesson for others.

So Friends I'll be there with my next post till then take care of yourselves be happy have a good day to all of you

 2 years ago 

Hello friend @afshaan, the second and third images are from iStock, please change them.

I've done sorry for inconvenience

Bribery and corruption is causing great havoc to the world.
We just need to increase the rate of contentment in this world.

Bribe and corruption have been around for centuries. They are a huge problem in the world today. Every year, there are billions of dollars that are paid to criminals to keep them from being arrested.

Yes sir, people spend money alot in bribing

 2 years ago 

In today's world, you use what you have to get what you want
That's why the rich always have their way in almost everything they do, change begins with us

We can fight bribery and corruption together

We need to stop this from happening. We need to make sure that people are not getting these bribes, and we need to make sure that these criminals are getting caught and put in jail for the rest of their lives.

 2 years ago 

Where do we start from
It might be possible where you are but over here.....I can't tell😓

You have sleep right now after this yours mind will wake up 😃

 2 years ago 

wow you have done great yes it is true briebly and corruption is really the most painful and dangerous thing that is killing our country I totally agree with you in all that you say also you have thought me some things important from this discussion I really appreciate keep it up

Thanks for your Appreciation actually corruption is the abuse of power for personal gain. It can take many forms, including bribery and nepotism.

 2 years ago 

it is not always easy to figure out what should be done to these people

@afshaan. This is the problem in many places. In some cities, it is even very difficult to prosecute the offenders because they are mostly people in authority. They always have a way of covering their tracks, sometimes by also sharing proceeds obtained illegally to those that would have reported them. Its a challenge. I hope we find a solution soonest.


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Thanks alot sir for your kind review actually corruption is everywhere. It can be difficult to know who to trust and what to believe.

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