SteemAlive Presents: ProWritersHub (W2) -Protect yourself from air, land and water pollution by @afshaan

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


Hello friends how are you its me Afshaan. I'm here to participate in the contest and the topic is Pollution. One of the biggest concerns that many people have about the environment is the amount of pollution that is present. There are many sources of pollution in our environment, but the biggest culprit by far is the dumping and littering of chemicals.

Unfortunately, this leads to the earth becoming polluted and cluttered with chemicals. It's important to be aware of the harmful toxins that are polluting our environment and reduce the amount of pollution that we put into the environment.So let's move towards the contest's tasks.

What is pollution?

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Pollution is the introduction of harmful chemical, physical, biological, or radioactive substances into the natural environment that cause harm to humans, animals, plants, and other living things. Pollution occurs when harmful substances are released into the air, water, or soil. The pollution can enter the natural environment through industrial emissions, sewage and garbage disposal, vehicle emissions, and other human activities.

How is the air, land and water in your city polluted?

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The air, land and water in my city are polluted because of the industrialization of the city. There are many factories that are located in my city. Air pollution is caused by the release of toxic chemicals, gases, and particles from burning fossil fuels and other sources.

Air pollution is a major cause of lung cancer, heart disease, and asthma. It can also cause other health problems such as cognitive decline, premature death, and birth defects. Air pollution may be caused by vehicle emissions, industrial emissions, agricultural emissions, or natural emissions. Water pollution is caused by the release of chemicals and particles into water bodies.

These chemicals can harm aquatic life and ecosystems. Water pollution may be caused by sewage treatment plants, urban runoff, industrial wastewater discharge, agricultural runoff, or stormwater runoff. Land pollution is caused by the release of chemicals or particles from industrial processes or from natural sources such as wildfires or volcanic eruptions. This is one of the main reasons why I think we should stop the use of pesticides and other chemicals.

Why is pollution dangerous to health?

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Pollution is a problem that many people are starting to become more aware of. Whether it's the air you breathe, the water you drink, or the food you eat, pollution can be harmful to your health. According to the World Health Organisation, there are more than one million deaths each year because of pollution. The WHO also states that pollution has a significant impact on the economy, society, and human health.

What can you do to protect yourself from different forms of pollution.

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We are all surrounded by pollution on a daily basis. Some pollutants can be dangerous to our health, while others are just a nuisance. In order to protect yourself from different forms of pollution, you should try and avoid spending too much time in the polluted areas. If you have to spend time in these areas, it is important to wear a mask and take steps to limit your exposure. If you are out at the beach and it looks like the water is polluted, don't swim in it. If you are going out for a jog and it is polluted, try and find a route that is not near the polluted area.You can also try to keep your windows closed when you don't need them open.

Suggest ways that government can help to fight pollution.

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With the increase in pollution over the past few decades, it is important that the government steps in to help combat this. If the government were to tax companies for every time they release harmful chemicals into the air or water, it would help to reduce the amount of pollutants released into the environment. Another way that the government could help is by creating a new law that states that every company must have a certain percentage of their products made from recycled materials. This would help to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

The government can help to fight pollution is by providing incentives for businesses to use clean energy. Incentives such as tax breaks, subsidies, and grants would help encourage companies to use clean energy. In addition, the government could work with local communities to make sure there are enough places for people to recycle and dispose of waste. Lastly, governments can offer incentives for people to take shorter showers and turn off lights when they leave a room.

Any other things you wish to write about pollution?

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The world has seen a lot of progress in the fight against pollution, but with each passing day, there are new challenges to overcome. The United Nations has warned that the world's oceans are on the brink of an "ecological crisis" due to pollution. In order to combat this, we must continue to work towards making our environment better and more sustainable.

Many people don't realize how much of a toll pollution takes on the environment. We are killing the planet by littering, polluting, and dumping chemicals in the water and air. We can all do our part to help reduce the pollution by recycling, planting trees, and not littering. By doing this we will be able to enjoy a cleaner and healthier environment for our children and grandchildren.


I hope you enjoyed my post on pollution. We are all aware of how much pollution is taking a toll on our planet, but many of us still don't realize the impact that we have on the world. I hope this article was able to help you understand the importance of keeping our planet clean. So take care of yourselves and keep your environment clean stay blessed.

 2 years ago 

Pollution is very hazardous to human health and has killed so many lives but we humans can control it by stoping some dangerous activities they carry out

 2 years ago 

Wow my friend,am very happy you have finally got verified in this community.

Please try to be adding 10% beneficiary to @steemalive in all your post so as to.get the community support.

Pollution is not good to our health and I really love the way you defined everything in this post.

Obviously I'll

Thanks dear friend

 2 years ago 

Okay dear.

Pollution is very bad to the human health it is a bad thing mostly the water and air pollution.

 2 years ago 

You have written well on pollution which is the Introduction of harmful substances into the air,water or land.There are lot of pollutants that from Industrial waste, indiscriminate dumping and other ways .

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