The Day I Was Detained In A Church 10% Payout To SteemAlive

in SteemAlive3 years ago


Top of the day to you all esteem steemians. I want to tell you a story of how I was detained in a church for one weird readon. It was at one of the branches of one of the mega churches in Nigeria, name withheld.

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It had been a while it happened, anyway, but it's still fresh in my heart. Remember, I wasn't detained because I committed any crime. Please read to the end to satisfy your curiosity. And please don't forget to share your opinions on this topic. Also note that your vote will also be well appreciated.

My Invitation

I had just finished from the high school and headed for my uncle's. He deals in medicine and being one of my benefactors, I owe him an obligation to assist him. He owns large shops that attract hundreds of big spenders, therefore, helping will not be a bad idea.

When I got there, I met a very gentle and educated young man named James, not the real name. I really admired James because he is very intelligent, and I wanted to be like him when I grow up.

I was virtually serving him and my uncle simultaneously, since his shop was just a step away. I would sweep his shop whenever I arrive in the morning, and do some little cleaning as time may allow.

James got interested in me, especially because I was the only boy in that line who talked about university education. He is a graduate, but for a reason best known to him, he turned to business.

He loved me and wanted the best for me. One day, he approached my uncle to allow me serve him as an apprentice. According to him, he didn't mean the normal apprenticeship. He promised to sponsor my university education.

Although my uncle declined, yet he didn't change his positive vibes towards me. One day, as part of our friendship, he invited me for a church service, which I accepted.

The Church Service

The service began at 8.00am, although, we arrived earlier than that. As we awaited the time, we danced to the sweet melody as it was served fresh by the choir.

When the service commenced in ernest, it was still in the same praises and worship tone. However, the only thing that changed was that more skilful singers took the stage.

We had a series of prayers, preaching and singing sessions, intermittently. One of the new practices I witnessed during the service was the way members sowed seed.

During the sermon, they move to the alter to drop it as they are led by the spirit. That was James explaining them to me when I asked.

Finally, the service ended around 10.30am. But before it ended, newcomers were called to the alter. At the alter, we were welcomed officially, with handshake. After that, the pastor handed us over to another worker for further drills.

The Counseling

He directed us to follow the young man, and he led us to a smaller hall. Right there, the guy who introduced himself as Pastor Ken, not real name, continued from where his senior pastor stopped.

The high point of all he said was that everybody must speak in tongues. I was amazed to hear that word again. The first time I heard that was at the alter, but didn't take it seriously.

"Hearing it again means they are serious about it", I thought to myself.

"Nobody had ever stepped his feet in this church without speaking in tongues" Pastor Ken Continued.

At that utterance, I relaxed myself as I await what would pan out. Soon the prayer session began.

"Just say anything and the spirit will dictate" He instructed.

I could hear other newcomers like me blasting away with their own kind of tongues. However, I couldn't find myself saying any gibberish so that the spirit would dictate.

According to what I belief, the Spirit should direct me and not me directing the Him. So, I didn't say anything. After about one hour, Pastor Ken told me to sit down.

Then, I opened my eyes to realize every other person had left, leaving only me behind. I became worried about what I saw. I mean why would it be so.

He said so many things in admonition, but I only heard one line. One of the line he had repeated over and over. "Just say anything, and the spirit will dictate." At the end he asked if I understood.

I said yes, after all, I had my own game plan. He asked me to stand up, as he started with worship song. The song flowed to prayer, as he urged me to say it and the spirit would dictate.

I didn't hesitate to execute my plan. I instinctively roared with the outstanding balderdash. It was because I was least in any spirit for that kind of "kabashing". Then Pastor Ken started shouting, "Thank you Jesus, that's the spirit, that's the spirit, that's the Spirit.

Initially, I felt guilty, but when he started saying those words, I knew that even himself wasn't in the spirit. If he was, he would have known I faked it all, in order to get out of that place. And I realize what many others had done.


People learn how to speak in tongues, and Christians should discourage it. If you doubt me, why must a particular man speak the same thing every time. Some people would just stop when the one they had memorized ends.

Tongues is the thing of the spirit, people should not try to force it. The spirit knows what to do, to whom, how and when, not the other way round.

Special Mention


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