Application for SEC S20 - The Brilliant Teacher

in Teachers & Studentslast month


Image edited on by @lil.albab

Having made it through Season 19, it is now time for our team "The Brilliant Teachers" to continue the challenge in Season 20.

Our team wants to focus on teaching the knowledge and experience to be a good teacher. Even though everyone here is not a teacher in their daily lives, the function of teaching is always around us. For example, parents who teach their children at home, teach office mates who need help. In addition, our team will also continue a number of discussions to build the progress of education.

💁‍♂️ Get to know our team more closely

1️⃣ Team leader


I've been on Steemit since 2017 but I wasn't very active back then. I came back in 2022 but after a while I felt bored and also busy with some work.

At the beginning of 2024, I realized that the Steemit Platform was getting more advanced and developed so I was interested in writing again. I always try to write posts that can entertain through my story with my beloved wife. In addition, I also share posts that educate through a number of studies about the science that I got during my lectures in the master's program in education management.

I have had experience in teaching since 2014 until now, my daily activities are working at school as a teacher and education data manager. In addition, I get the opportunity to work while continuing my master's education.

User name:@miftahulrizky
Country:Indonesia 🇮🇩
Language:Indonesian, English
Position:Founder - Admin Teachers & Students
Steem Power:2862 SP
CSI Voting:13.0
Delegates:myteacher 500 SP
Year joined:September 2017

2️⃣ Team members


My name is Ulil Albab with Steemit user @lil.albab. Many years ago I completed my studies in accounting and earned my bachelor's degree. I am currently working as a teaching staff at an elementary school in Aceh province. With about 5 years of experience in the field of education I think it is enough to make me understand the education system. With this background, I think it would be worthy to be with the rest of the teaching team and be able to give my best to the program.

User name:@lil.albab
Country:Indonesia 🇮🇩
Language:Indonesian, English
Position:Admin Teachers & Students
Steem Power:2192 SP
CSI Voting:12.3
Delegates:myteacher 500 SP
Year joined:May 2023

👨‍🏫 Learning topics

Our team plans to continue the course with three important topics about teacher science and everything related to education, we will try to develop a number of courses that are both theoretical and practical. So that those who take this course will gain comprehensive knowledge and skills on how to develop skills in teaching students.

1. Teacher Competencies
A teacher must have four basic competencies, pedagogic, professional, personal and social competencies. Each of the mentioned competencies has a wide range of subtopics so our team will try to create a course related to this material. For example, active, interesting and fun learning management, being a creative and innovative teacher, effective classroom management, and many others.

2. Aspects of Child Development
The goal of teaching and learning is to achieve three important aspects, cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Our team would like to encourage teachers to fulfill these aspects in their learning process. For example, encouraging children to conduct small researches, utilizing the resources around us, and many others.

3. Discussions to build educational progress
The progress of education is everyone's responsibility, especially teachers, parents and the community. We would like to hear all suggestions that can help improve education and find solutions to any problems that occur.

✅ Inspection

In season 19, we found some users who made posts using AI, we found some users use tools to remove the AI detector, so we will continue to try to be more careful and select carefully.

Our team will strictly check each content, as for the checking indicators and tools we will use in checking are as follows:

🏅 Weekly Winner Selection

If we are selected to be the Teaching Team, we will choose the winner based on the quality of the post, relevance and accuracy to the assignment given. A quality post in our opinion is a post that is able to provide interesting ideas and new insights for its readers. Proper use of markdown is also part of the quality of a post.

We will choose the winners as fair as possible, our team always prioritizes deliberation before deciding who is the best to be the winner.

The Brilliant Teacher

 last month 

Best of luck 🤞 guys.

 last month 

Thank You bro 🫡🙏

 last month 

Tidak ada keraguan, kinerja hebat tim Guru Cemerlang sangat layak untuk dipertahankan di panggung Steemit Engagement Challenge!

 last month 

 last month 

The Brilliant Teacher terlihat sukses untuk format baru Tim Steemit, saya menyukai beberapa ide yang Komprehensif yang memberikan pengetahuan. Sebagai seorang guru, saya menilai team anda layak di pertahankan. Akan banyak hal yang bisa di Eksplorasi di bidang ini.

Sukses untuk kalian berdua.

 last month 

Terimakasih untuk dukungan dan motivasinya pak Irfan. Kami berharap masukan dan saran yg hebat lagi dari bapak 🙏

 last month 

Kita sama sama belajar dan terus berkembang Pak Ulil, semoga selalu ada ide menarik lainnya👍🏻🙏🏻

 last month 

Kami senang mendengar apa yang telah anda katakan sobat, mohon doanya semoga kami dapat melanjutkan musim ke 20.

 last month 

It's a pleasure to meet you guys and to get to know you all, am wishing you guys the best.

As a teacher with all most eight years of experience, it's a pleasure to be here in this community and I hope that I will be able to contribute to the success of this community.

 last month 

We are also pleased that many great teachers from all over the world come together in the community to share their ideas and knowledge.

We are ready to accept any constructive input and suggestions for the advancement of the community. Thank You.

 last month 

Thank u so much for some ur kind words my friend. Knowing you are a teacher makes us feel happy and become more enthusiastic to give our best 🙏💪

 last month 

The brilliant teacher saya sangat berharap anda mendapat kesempatan kembali pada season ke 20 ini. Saya menyukai ide yang membangun pada sistem pendidikan seperti ini. Semoga beruntung untuk anda.

 last month 

We love hearing your hopes for our team, this idea started because we realized that many people on Steemit are teachers in their daily lives. Our team wants to provide a platform for all of them to develop their teaching knowledge and competencies.

 last month 

I wish you guys best of luck. You done a good job in previous season now hope you are selected and you perform well.

 last month 

It's great to hear your assessment of our team in the previous season, hopefully we can continue this program in season 20.

 last month 

The Brilliant teacher adalah salah satu team pengajar yang saya ikuti kontesnya di setiap minggu pada musim 19. Saya menyukai cara kerja mereka, mereka benar-benar memilih postingan yang berkualitas. Saya juga melihat kinerja mereka selama di musim 19 sudah bekerja dengan sangat baik, bekerja dengan objektif dan berkomitmen.
Saya sangat berharap team the brilliant teacher bisa kembali di musim 20. Saya sangat penasaran ingin menunggu challenge dari team the brilliant teacher di musim 20.

Sukses selalu untuk team yang cemerlang ini.

 last month 

Tim kami akan berusaha untuk terus objektif dalam melakukan penilaian dan melakukan tugas dengan sebaik mungkin. Kami senang mendengar bahwa anda setiap minggunya mengikuti tantangan dari tim kami.

 last month 

Terimakasih ibu Mega, semangat yg and berikan benar2 berharga 🙏🙏

 last month 

The Brilliant Teacher terlihat sangat sukses di musim 19, dengan kontes yang sangat menarik, sehingga saya sering mengikuti kontes yang di selenggarakan oleh teem teacher. semoga musim ke 20 dapat terpilih kembali, semoga sukses untuk anda berdua. good job dalam menerbitkan kontes di musim 20. semoga anda dapat terpilih kembali.

 last month 

Thank you for your support to our team. 🙏🫡 Success for you too.

 last month 

Senang melihat komunitas yang mengangkat tema pendidikan, semoga terpilih kembali

 last month 


Musim ini semakin seru, akan ada 7 pemenang.

 last month 

The brilian teacher salah satu yang kontesnya pernah saya ikuti, di mana dalam kontes ini kit dapat menuangkan segala ide brilian yang ada hubungannya dengan dunia pendidikan, tim kerja mereka hebat, dan patut dapat acuan jempol, sukses selalu , dan semoga terpilih lagi team mereka, good job

 last month 

Sepertinya terlalu berlebihan jika mengatakan kami hebat.

Tapi terimakasih atas semua kata-kata baiknya

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